Mastering Manor Lords: Essential Tips for Beginners

Getting started in this medieval management sim made easy
Mastering Manor Lords: Essential Tips for Beginners


  • Focus on adapting to available resources
  • Ensure sufficient Oxen and Hitching Posts for smooth operations
  • Utilize pausing and worker rotation to optimize efficiency

Embarking on the journey of constructing a medieval village in Manor Lords may seem daunting at first. With threats from bandits, impending winter conditions, and a lack of comprehensive in-game guidance, the initial steps can be overwhelming.

However, with a touch of patience, a quick finger to hit the pause button, and some valuable advice, players can swiftly progress towards realizing their dream medieval village. These beginner strategies for Manor Lords are particularly tailored for newcomers to city-building games but can also assist in navigating the game's intricacies.

7 Adapt to Available Resources

Each Region Requires a Unique Approach

Instead of rigidly sticking to a predetermined plan in Manor Lords, consider the randomness of spawn locations and the diverse array of resources available. Embrace the resources at hand and the land's fertility to guide your village's development.

For instance, if you spot a significant berry deposit nearby, prioritize it early on. Alternatively, if there's an abundant iron source, consider making it the village's focal point for future exports through the trade system. When it comes to agriculture, if the soil is infertile initially, shift your focus to raising sheep in pastures. Remember, new regions can always be conquered later to establish villages with distinct economies.

6 Expand Oxen and Hitching Posts

Prevent Production Delays by Ensuring Ample Oxen

Oxen play a crucial role in transporting timber across the village, essential for producing firewood and planks required in almost all construction projects. Since players start with limited Oxen and Hitching Posts, consider building an additional post and ordering an extra Ox early on.

Given the month-long interval for Oxen recruitment, it's advisable to act promptly. Assigning a family to these posts, which can be upgraded to Stables, ensures seamless transportation. Connect numerous paths to the Hitching Posts to streamline operations.

5 Optimize Efficiency Through Pausing

Alleviate Decision-Making Pressure

One handy strategy for Manor Lords and similar management games during the initial learning phase is to frequently pause the game. As it's a single-player experience, pausing allows players to concentrate on crucial decisions without distractions.

Pausing enables players to enhance effectiveness in Manor Lords. For instance, they can assign tasks to workers swiftly before manually navigating to the work sites.