Manor Lords: How to Avoid Common Mistakes

Navigating the intricate world of Manor Lords can be challenging, but with the right strategies, players can steer clear of common pitfalls.
Manor Lords: How to Avoid Common Mistakes


  • Proper resource storage is crucial to prevent spoilage and maintain efficiency.
  • Strategic village building is essential to balance population and available resources.
  • Efficient worker management and seasonal rotations are key to sustained productivity.

Manor Lords presents players with a medieval city building experience that demands attention to detail and strategic planning. The game immerses players in a world where every action, from constructing buildings to gathering resources, is meticulously animated. Players face challenges from changing seasons, rival lords, marauding enemies, and a dynamic market. Despite being in early access, Manor Lords has already garnered significant popularity, becoming one of the most anticipated games on Steam.

While Manor Lords offers a comprehensive tutorial, the game is complex, requiring players to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. To help players navigate this intricate world, here are some common mistakes to avoid, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience.

7 Safeguarding Resources

Preventing Resource Decay Due to Exposure

Weather conditions in Manor Lords pose a significant challenge, especially with perishable resources. Without proper storage, goods left exposed to rain will deteriorate quickly. Establishing a Storehouse and assigning workers to manage goods transportation between production sites and markets is vital.

Building a Granary for food storage follows the same principle. These initial structures lay the foundation for a functional village. When deconstructing buildings, resources used in construction are refunded but must be collected by Storehouse or Granary workers.

6 Thoughtful Building

Balancing Construction Speed with Sustainability

While quick construction may seem advantageous, hasty building without considering functionality can lead to disastrous consequences. Overpopulation without sufficient food and fuel supply will cause approval ratings to plummet, jeopardizing the settlement.

Careful planning is crucial, ensuring that buildings are strategically placed to optimize production chains and market accessibility.

5 Sequential Building

Establishing Effective Production Chains

Building in the correct order is paramount to operational efficiency. Constructing buildings out of sequence renders them ineffective. For example, a Windmill or Communal Oven serves no purpose without a functional farm.

Players should focus on gathering raw materials first and then gradually introduce industry buildings to process materials into consumer goods. Trading can also help balance surplus and scarcity of goods.