Unveiling the Parallel Paths of Zhao and Kiryu in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Exploring Zhao's journey towards a simple life through his interactions with Kiryu in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.
Unveiling the Parallel Paths of Zhao and Kiryu in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth


  • Witness how Zhao's transition to a modest existence in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth contrasts with his criminal past.
  • Discover the significance of vulnerability and growth in the evolving relationship between Kiryu and Zhao.
  • Uncover the mirror image of Kiryu's struggle to leave the underworld as seen through Zhao's transformation into a chef.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth introduces Zhao from Like a Dragon 7 back into the fold as a member of Ichiban's crew. The game portrays Zhao's evolution from his previous self, highlighting the virtues of a modest lifestyle. Departing from his criminal ties, Zhao entrusts his former gang to Seonhee and pursues his true passion - becoming a chef and owning a restaurant. This journey closely parallels Kiryu's own history, illustrating how the two characters represent different facets of the same coin.

Within Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, Zhao engages in Drink Links with Kiryu, the iconic protagonist of the series. These interactions revolve around Zhao's invitation to his restaurant, where he shares his past and newfound culinary career. Expressing his enduring love for cooking, a sentiment that persisted even during his Liumang days, Zhao invites Kiryu to savor his creations. As with other Drink Links, conflicts arise, enabling Kiryu to offer guidance and strengthen their bond.

The Redemption of a Humble Life in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Confrontation with a Food Critic

Zhao confides in Kiryu about a dispute with a food blogger, escalating beyond expectations. Following a photography ban in his eatery, the blogger retaliates with negative online reviews, attracting attention from Zhao's former gang. Despite the gang's urge for retribution, Zhao adamantly opposes violence, even threatening to abandon his culinary aspirations if harm befalls the blogger.

As tensions peak, Zhao and Kiryu arrive at the restaurant to find the gang seeking revenge on the blogger. Reflecting on Zhao's transformation, the gang acknowledges his departure from his past ways, lamenting his new path. Standing up against his former associates, Zhao and Kiryu defend the blogger, showcasing Zhao's commitment to his modest life and culinary craft. This defense enlightens the blogger on Zhao's virtues, reinforcing his confidence in his chosen path.

Embracing Change from the Criminal World

Zhao's narrative mirrors Kiryu's struggle, underscoring the challenge of breaking free from a tainted past. Kiryu, who previously cared for the Morning Glory orphans in Yakuza 3 amidst entanglements with the Tojo Clan, grapples with conflicting desires to protect his loved ones. These internal conflicts shape Kiryu's character, emphasizing the essence of vulnerability and selflessness, themes echoed in Infinite Wealth's Drink Links.

Through the Drink Links, Kiryu supports Zhao's transition while receiving guidance in return. Despite doubts about Zhao's leadership qualities in his new role, Zhao affirms his choice to pursue cooking. Molded to lead the Liumang by his father, Zhao embraces a different path, finding fulfillment in his culinary endeavors and the joy of satisfied customers. The sizzle of the wok and smiles of patrons affirm his newfound direction.