Mastering Lightyear Frontier: Restoring All Regions

Discover how to revive and unlock all regions in the expansive world of Lightyear Frontier.
Mastering Lightyear Frontier: Restoring All Regions


  • Learn how to restore and unlock all eight regions in Lightyear Frontier.
  • Understand the prerequisites for restoring regions in the game.
  • Upgrade your restoration tools to enhance your gameplay experience.

Lightyear Frontier is a vast world with eight unique regions waiting to be restored and explored. From The Meadows to Tornado Rock Isle, each location offers its own challenges and rewards. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to revive and unlock all regions in Lightyear Frontier.

Essential Steps for Restoration

To kickstart the restoration process, you need to acquire the Irrigation Hose and Vacuum Harvester. These crucial tools can be obtained by visiting specific locations in the game marked by yellow smoke.

Unveiling the Regions

To unlock all regions, you must tackle the Noxious Slimes and Weeds that plague the landscape. Utilize the Irrigation Hose to cleanse the red Noxious Slimes and the Vacuum Harvester to collect the leafy Noxious Weeds.

Unlocking Each Region:

  • The Meadows: Available from the beginning.
  • Pine Heights: Use the Irrigation Hose to eliminate Noxious Slimes.
  • Edge Cliffs: Clear Noxious Weeds with the Vacuum Cleaner.
  • Stepstone Peak: Cleanse large Noxious Slimes using the enhanced Irrigation Hose (Power 1).
  • Yellow Forest: Gather significant Noxious Weeds with the improved Vacuum Harvester (Power 1).
  • Mountainside Coast: Acquire Irrigation Hose Power 2.
  • Lowland Plains: Obtain Vacuum Harvester Power 2.
  • Tornado Rock Isle: Unlock the Water Walking ability.

Enhancing Your Tools

By constructing an Assembler and crafting Aluminum Frames, you can establish the Upgrade Depot. This depot is crucial for boosting the effectiveness of your restoration tools. To create the Upgrade Depot, gather Stone (24), Aluminum Rod (4), and Aluminum Frame (4).

Once the Depot is operational, collect specific items to enhance the Irrigation Hose and Vacuum Harvester:

  • Vacuum Harvester Power 1:
    • Copper Wire (5)
    • Caroot Oil (9)
  • Vacuum Harvester Power 2:
    • Blue Lens (2)
    • Steel Electronics (2)
    • Battery (2)
  • Irrigation Hose Power 1:
    • Red Crystal Dust (10)
    • Robbage Oil (9)
  • Irrigation Hose Power 2:
    • Iron Parts (5)
    • Red Lens (2)