Getting Clay in Lightyear Frontier

Explore the methods to acquire the versatile Clay resource in Lightyear Frontier for your crafting needs.
Getting Clay in Lightyear Frontier


  • Craft specific equipment to obtain Clay efficiently
  • Utilize Clay in various construction recipes for enhancing your homestead
  • Enhance the coziness of your Homestead with crafted Clay decorations

Clay serves as a crucial crafting material in the world of Lightyear Frontier, essential for numerous crafting recipes. Unlike readily available resources like wood and stone, Clay requires a specific process to acquire, involving the utilization of essential machinery within the game.

It is advisable to prioritize the production of Clay early on, given its versatility in crafting recipes that range from improving your base in Lightyear Frontier and more. While the initial steps may seem complex, mastering the process will prove to be highly beneficial.

Efficient Ways to Obtain Clay in Lightyear Frontier

To collect Clay in Lightyear Frontier, follow these steps:

  • Create a Grinder to crush rocks into Stone Dust.
  • Build an Assembler to convert Stone Dust into Clay.

Start by breaking rocks using the Spike Saw tool, then feed the resulting rocks into the Grinder to produce Stone Dust. This step takes approximately a minute to yield one Stone Dust. Subsequently, proceed to the Assembler and choose the Clay option to create Clay from the Stone Dust pile. Each unit of Stone Dust produces one Clay within a short timeframe, making it advantageous to maximize production for this valuable resource.

Requirements for crafting a Grinder include:

  • 10 Aluminium Rods
  • 10 Stone
  • Four Plant Oil

For crafting an Assembler, gather:

  • 12 Stone
  • Four Copper Wire
  • Four Aluminium Rods

Applications of Clay in Lightyear Frontier

Although not an early-game resource in Lightyear Frontier, Clay plays a vital role in various crafting recipes within this farming adventure, especially in construction-related tasks. The following crafting recipes necessitate the use of Clay:

  • Brick Arch
  • Furnace
  • Large Plot
  • Well
  • Brick Fence
  • House - a premier upgrade in Lightyear Frontier
  • Garden Gnome
  • Tea Set
  • Alternate Pot Stack
  • Basic Pot
  • Blue Flower Pot
  • Bush Pot
  • Fresh Plant Pot
  • Lush Plant Pot
  • Mixed Plant Pot
  • Pink Flower Pot
  • Pointy Plant Pot
  • Pot Stack
  • Red Plant Pot
  • Small Plant Stack
  • Sparse Plant Pot
  • Tall Plant Pot
  • White and Pink Flower Pot
  • Yellow Flower Pot

These items contribute to enhancing the comfort and aesthetics of your Homestead while providing valuable buffs. Therefore, dedicating time to producing an ample supply of Clay is essential for crafting these decorations to embellish your Homestead area.