Unleashing the Potential of Tree Sprouts in Lightyear Frontier

Discover the secrets to obtaining and maximizing the benefits of Tree Sprouts in your farming endeavors.
Unleashing the Potential of Tree Sprouts in Lightyear Frontier


  • Learn how to efficiently gather Tree Sprouts in Lightyear Frontier.
  • Explore strategic locations for harvesting various types of Tree Sprouts.
  • Master the art of planting and nurturing Tree Sprouts for optimal growth.

Embark on a journey in Lightyear Frontier where the land is brimming with diverse seeds waiting to be harnessed for your agricultural exploits. These seeds hold the key to expanding your crop yield and maintaining the prosperity of your farm.

Among the array of seeds scattered across the terrain, Tree Sprouts stand out as pivotal assets worth your attention. Investing in these Sprouts opens up avenues to cultivate more trees, ensuring a steady supply of various Wood types essential for advancing your farm's infrastructure.

Acquiring Tree Sprouts in Lightyear Frontier

For aspiring farmers aiming to procure Tree Sprouts efficiently, this task proves relatively straightforward amidst the game's resources. To obtain Tree Sprouts, you must utilize the Spike Saw to fell different trees. Green Trees yield Green Tree Sprouts, Yellow Trees offer Yellow Tree Sprouts, and Pine Trees provide Pine Tree Seeds.

Fortunately, the landscape is abundant with trees of all kinds dispersed across various regions. Locations like Pine Heights and Yellow Forest boast clusters of distinct trees, facilitating the swift collection of specific Sprout types.

Once you've amassed a substantial cache of Tree Sprouts, return to your base camp to commence planting. Employ the Sprout Cannon tool to sow them in a chosen spot by simply clicking. Ensure to water the Sprouts regularly and repeat this process over several in-game days, allowing the trees to mature. In case of rainy weather, skip watering for the day as the rain will nurture the Sprouts. Daily watering becomes a routine task, simplifying your farming responsibilities.