Mastering Lightyear Frontier Farming: Seed Acquisition and Planting Tips

Embark on your space agriculture journey in Lightyear Frontier with these essential seed gathering and planting strategies.
Mastering Lightyear Frontier Farming: Seed Acquisition and Planting Tips


  • Unlock the essential farming tools: Seed Shooter, Vacuum Harvester, and Irrigation Hose.
  • Obtain seeds by using the Vacuum Harvester on plants and flowers.
  • Plant seeds in Plots, harvest fully grown plants, and learn how to fertilize them.

Lightyear Frontier is not your ordinary farming game; it merges adventure with farming simulation, giving you the freedom to build and manage your space farm. While the game doesn't hold your hand every step of the way, this guide will help you navigate the world of Lightyear Frontier farming.

Essential Farming Tools Overview

To kickstart your farming journey, you'll need to unlock the Seed Shooter, Vacuum Harvester, and Irrigation Hose. These tools are crucial for acquiring seeds, planting them, watering your crops, and harvesting the yields. Find these tools by following the yellow smoke in the initial game area.

Acquiring Seeds in Lightyear Frontier

To obtain seeds, point the Vacuum Harvester at a plant or flower and suck it in (LT and RT on Xbox, right-click on PC). The Vacuum Harvester will extract seeds from the plant, providing you with the necessary seeds to grow the same plant. Explore the diverse flora of the region to collect various seed types.

Planting Seeds in Lightyear Frontier

To plant seeds, start by constructing a Small Plot using four pieces of Wood and eight Fiber. Equip the Seed Shooter on your Mech to plant the seeds in the Plot. Use the Irrigation Hose to water the seeds and kickstart the growth process.

  • Start by building a Small Plot; later, you can plant on any land using the Field Plow.
  • Plant seeds in the Plot with the Seed Shooter.
  • Water the seeds using the Irrigation Hose. Once you build a Well, you can automate this process.
  • Wait 2-4 days for the plants to grow.

Harvesting and Fertilizing Plants

When your plants are fully grown, use the Vacuum Harvester to harvest them. Suck in the plants to collect them in your inventory. You can either use them for crafting or store them for future use. To fertilize plants, place up to ten plants or fibers in a Compost Box to create fertilizer. This fertilizer can boost your plant yields but doesn't accelerate their growth rate.

Enhance your plant yields by applying fertilizers through the Irrigation Hose. Aim at the plants and press RT (right-click on PC) to fertilize them, increasing the yield per plant after the growth cycle.

Selling Your Harvest for Profit

To sell your produce, construct a Merchant Landing on your farm. This structure attracts space merchants who will purchase your goods. Monitor economic trends and focus on selling items with a green arrow in the Prediction section, indicating higher selling prices.