Mastering Resource Farming in Lightyear Frontier

Discover the essential resources to prioritize early on for efficient farming in Lightyear Frontier.
Mastering Resource Farming in Lightyear Frontier


  • Wood, coal, and aluminum rods are crucial for crafting and upgrading items and machinery.
  • Red crystals, zappertwigs, and blue crystals are key for early-game upgrades and crafting progression.
  • Yellow crystals and fractalite ore pose challenges as late-game resources for advanced upgrades.

Embark on your farming journey in Lightyear Frontier armed with the knowledge of key resources crucial for your success. From abundant wood to rare fractalite ore, each resource plays a vital role in your base's expansion and your progress in the game.

Unlike pure mining games, gathering resources in Lightyear Frontier is a strategic process. Here's a guide to help you navigate the world of farming efficiently:

1 Wood

A Foundation of Farming

Wood is a versatile resource found in different tree types. Harvest it with precision using the Spike Saw to acquire normal, softwood, and hardwood variants. Mastering wood collection is essential for various constructions and upgrades.

2 Coal

Powering Your Furnace

Coal, a readily available resource, fuels your furnace to create essential items like glass and metal bars. While not an immediate priority, stockpiling coal early on sets the stage for efficient crafting later in the game.

3 Aluminum Rods

Foundational Metalwork

Aluminum rods are vital for crafting machinery and upgrades. Locate aluminum deposits in Pine Heights to kickstart your metalwork journey and progress through the game.