Lies of P's DLC: Embracing Bloodborne's Most Fearsome Element

Exploring the need for Lies of P's DLC to adopt a key feature from Bloodborne's renowned expansion.
Lies of P's DLC: Embracing Bloodborne's Most Fearsome Element


  • Lies of P's DLC should introduce a boss more challenging than any in the base game, mirroring Bloodborne's formidable Old Hunters expansion.
  • Neowiz can elevate Lies of P's combat in the DLC, catering to both seasoned players and newcomers to the Soulslike genre.
  • Similar to Bloodborne's Old Hunters, Lies of P's DLC should deliver visually striking and demanding boss battles to test players' abilities.

It's undeniable that Lies of P stood out as a prominent Soulslike game in 2023. Developer Neowiz crafted a dark, demanding, and unforgettable title that drew numerous comparisons to Bloodborne. As Neowiz seeks inspiration from Bloodborne, the upcoming DLC for Lies of P should strive to include a boss that surpasses anything seen in the base game.

Even after nine years since its debut, Bloodborne remains a revered masterpiece in its genre. While the game's difficulty is well-known, the discussion intensified with the release of the Old Hunters DLC eight months later. The Old Hunters significantly elevated the game's challenge, requiring more skill and patience to conquer its formidable adversaries. Despite the increased difficulty, every obstacle could be overcome with the right approach and strategy.

Enhancing the Base Game's Difficulty in Lies of P's DLC

Some of the boss battles in Lies of P like the King of Puppets and Simon Manus teetered on the edge between challenging and unfair, occasionally leaning towards the latter. Neowiz responded to player feedback regarding the perceived difficulty of these fights by releasing post-launch patches that toned down some of the tougher encounters. However, even after these adjustments, newcomers to the Soulslike genre may still find the combat punishing.

Consistent Challenge in Bloodborne's DLC

The Old Hunters DLC of Bloodborne is widely acclaimed as one of the finest expansions ever, thanks to its exceptional quality. Bosses such as Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower, Ludwig the Accursed, and the notorious Orphan of Kos are frequently discussed within the Soulslike community for their incredibly demanding battles.

Each boss encounter is visually captivating and presents a unique challenge for players. The Orphan of Kos stands out as Bloodborne's most formidable foe, surpassing anything encountered in the base game. When developing its DLC, Lies of P should strive to introduce at least one battle of a similar magnitude.

Bloodborne The Old Hunters Boss List

  • Ludwig The Accursed/Holy Blade
  • Laurence, The First Vicar
  • Living Failures
  • Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
  • Orphan of Kos

At its peak, Lies of P delivers combat filled with sword clashes, precise counters, and deft deflections. Bosses like Laxasia the Complete offer ample opportunities for players to showcase their skills, setting the stage for the challenges that await in Lies of P's DLC. Neowiz has the chance to incorporate lessons from the base game into the DLC, ensuring that like Bloodborne, any new boss battles in the DLC set a higher standard compared to the main game.