Mastering Leveling Up in The Thaumaturge

Discover effective strategies to earn XP and enhance your skills in The Thaumaturge.
Mastering Leveling Up in The Thaumaturge


  • Explore various ways to earn Experience points in the game.
  • Utilize interactions with objects to gain valuable insights and Experience.
  • Enhance your abilities quickly by completing Urban Secrets and sidequests.

In the world of The Thaumaturge, embark on a journey with Wiktor Szulski as he navigates the aftermath of a failed attempt to capture a Salutor. This setback has impacted his abilities as a Thaumaturge. However, as Wiktor progresses through the game, he has the opportunity to level up and strengthen his skills.

Enhancing Wiktor's capabilities in The Thaumaturge is pivotal for success in both investigation and combat scenarios. By elevating Wiktor's Dimension Force across the four dimensions, players enable him to investigate more efficiently and counter enemy traits effectively during battles. To excel in the game, players must diligently seek out Experience points in every corner of the map. Besides completing quests, there are numerous avenues to accumulate Experience.

Strategies for Earning Experience

Players can amass Experience through various in-game activities, with quests being a primary source of substantial Experience points. Following leads and delving into the mysteries of Warsaw prove to be fruitful endeavors for skill enhancement. Additionally, interacting with new objects, such as reading documents or leveraging Wiktor's powers to analyze Traces, yields incremental Experience. This not only boosts skill progression but also enriches players with deeper insights into the game world and its inhabitants. Thorough exploration and interaction with objects often unveil solutions to intricate challenges, underscoring the importance of gaining Experience through object interactions.

Players frequently encounter Stereoscopes, presenting images that unlock Experience points and entries in the 'Urban Secrets' section of Wiktor's journal upon interaction. By locating the depicted locations, players can complete Urban Secrets, further augmenting their Experience pool swiftly. While these sidequests offer less Experience compared to main quests, they serve as expedited routes to acquire additional skill points and fortify Wiktor's prowess before facing formidable adversaries.