Leveling Up in No Rest For The Wicked: Which Stats to Focus on First

Discover the essential stats to prioritize early in your No Rest For The Wicked adventure.
Leveling Up in No Rest For The Wicked: Which Stats to Focus on First


  • Allocate attribute points to Health, Stamina, and Focus at the start for survival.
  • Consider Damage stats like Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Faith for mid-game effectiveness.
  • Equip Load can be focused on later as gear weight becomes a more significant factor.

No Rest For The Wicked is an exciting ARPG that brings together various elements like combat, dungeon exploration, and character development. In this game, your character's progression heavily relies on your chosen stats.

With eight distinct stats available in No Rest For The Wicked, deciding where to invest your limited attribute points can be challenging, especially in the early stages of the game.

Understanding the Stats in No Rest For The Wicked

The game features the following core stats:

  • Health

    Boosts your character's maximum Hit Points, allowing you to endure more damage in battles.

  • Stamina

    Enhances your ability to perform actions like attacking and dodging without getting fatigued.

  • Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith

    Augment the damage dealt based on the type of weapon used.

  • Focus

    Expands your total Focus points for activating potent Rune attacks.

  • Equip Load

    Determines the maximum weight of gear your character can carry.

Optimal Stats to Prioritize Early On

At the outset of your adventure, focusing on Health, Stamina, and Focus is crucial for surviving the initial challenges and defeating early foes.

Save stats like Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Faith for later stages when weapon choice becomes more critical. Similarly, prioritize Equip Load adjustments once gear weight starts impacting gameplay.

To thrive in the early game of No Rest For The Wicked, ensure your character's Health, Stamina, and Focus are well-rounded as you journey towards the town of Sacrament.