Why a LEGO and Kingdom Hearts Crossover Would Be a Perfect Match

Exploring the potential of merging the LEGO gaming franchise with the beloved Kingdom Hearts universe.
Why a LEGO and Kingdom Hearts Crossover Would Be a Perfect Match


  • The diverse Disney IPs in Kingdom Hearts make it an ideal fit for a LEGO adventure, promising a unique gaming experience.
  • A LEGO Kingdom Hearts game could resemble LEGO Dimensions 2.0, enabling players to navigate open-worlds with a variety of Disney characters, akin to previous LEGO titles.
  • With the careful treatment that Traveller's Tales brought to LEGO Dimensions, the studio's approach to the Kingdom Hearts IP could result in one of the most exceptional LEGO games ever.

Traveller's Tales has established a solid reputation through its successful LEGO franchise, venturing into various IPs such as LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, LEGO Harry Potter, and the expansive LEGO Dimensions. However, there is one iconic franchise that holds the potential for a remarkable LEGO adaptation: Kingdom Hearts.

Since its debut in 2002, Kingdom Hearts has captivated players with its fusion of Final Fantasy and beloved Disney characters. Despite initial skepticism, Square Enix defied expectations, spawning numerous games and hinting at more to come. Amidst the anticipation for Kingdom Hearts 4, there is an opportunity for a new LEGO adventure within this cherished universe.

The Potential of Kingdom Hearts in the Hands of Traveller's Tales

Kingdom Hearts Features a Plethora of Exciting IP

The Kingdom Hearts franchise boasts a wide array of Disney IPs, seamlessly blending characters from Square Enix's Final Fantasy with the expansive Disney universe. From Mickey Mouse to Bambi, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Toy Story, and even Tron, the franchise's catalog continues to expand, delighting Disney fans and contributing to its resounding success. With 13 games in its repertoire and more on the horizon, a collaboration with Traveller's Tales could yield a fresh, inventive adventure.

LEGO Kingdom Hearts Could Be Like LEGO Dimensions 2.0

Traveller's Tales' expertise in managing multiple IPs, as evidenced by LEGO Dimensions, presents an opportunity to explore a LEGO Kingdom Hearts concept. Emulating the open-world experience of LEGO Dimensions, a LEGO Kingdom Hearts game could offer players control over an extensive roster of Disney characters, enabling them to traverse Disney-themed open-worlds with characters like Sora, Donald Duck, Jack Sparrow, Jack Skellington, and the Toy Story crew. If executed with the same caliber as previous LEGO titles, this venture could fulfill the long-awaited desires of Disney enthusiasts.

Traveller's Tales' potential for crafting a groundbreaking game is evident. While Disney IPs have traditionally been confined to their own games, the studio's stewardship of the Kingdom Hearts universe could redefine the LEGO gaming landscape. By mirroring the meticulous approach seen in LEGO Dimensions, the resulting LEGO Kingdom Hearts could emerge as a pinnacle in the LEGO gaming portfolio.