Survival Guide for LEGO Fortnite Bears

Discover essential tips on how to navigate and conquer the new bear threat in LEGO Fortnite's Farm Friends update.
Survival Guide for LEGO Fortnite Bears


  • Learn how to effectively avoid encounters with aggressive bears in the game.
  • Master the art of defeating bears using the right weapons and strategies.
  • Uncover the valuable loot that bears drop upon being defeated.

LEGO Fortnite introduces a fresh survival challenge through the Farm Friends update, adding bears as formidable foes to the gameplay mix. While this mode offers a more laid-back experience compared to Battle Royale, players must now contend with these hostile creatures that roam the Grasslands and Frostlands biomes.

Tips for Avoiding Bears

Bears in LEGO Fortnite pose a significant threat due to their strength and aggression. It's crucial to employ tactics to evade them rather than engage in direct combat.

To steer clear of bears, players should utilize stealth mechanics to slip past them unnoticed, minimizing the risk of confrontation. Whether bears are asleep or wandering, staying out of their line of sight is key. In-game controls for sneaking are as follows:

  • Keyboard & Mouse: C Key
  • Controller & Nintendo Switch: R-Stick

Strategies for Bear Defeat

Inevitably, players may find themselves in a face-off with an aggressive bear. Escaping these encounters can be challenging, given the bear's speed and power.

When engaging a bear in combat, ensure you are equipped with your best weapons. Close-range battles benefit from swords, but beware of the bear's devastating swipe attacks. Alternatively, ranged weapons like crossbows offer a safer distance for dealing damage.

Upon defeating a bear, players can collect 8x Meat and potentially other valuable items like Small Fry.