LEGO 2K Drive: Top Perks for Victory

Discover the most effective perks in LEGO 2K Drive to enhance your chances of winning races.
LEGO 2K Drive: Top Perks for Victory


  • Enhance boost duration and top speed, but beware of decreased health and potential wrecks.
  • Gain resilience against damage from opponents but sacrifice the ability to use power-ups and weapons.
  • Speed up healing and recharge by drifting, albeit at the cost of healing only during drifts.

LEGO 2K Drive offers an expansive open-world sandbox for players to explore at their leisure. Navigating through Bricklandia presents a variety of challenges, especially during the demanding A-Class races. Completing tough missions and uncovering hidden collectibles across the vast maps rewards players with perks, with one perk available for each unlocked rank.

With the limitation of equipping only three perks at a time, selecting the most effective ones becomes crucial, especially considering the diverse stats of the three vehicle types - Off-Road, Street, and Water. Matching perks with the chosen vehicles can significantly impact a player's performance in the Sky Cup. For those seeking the ultimate LEGO 2K Drive build, here are the top perks to consider for gaining an edge in the competition.

7 Sacrificial Boosting

Boost Meter Lasts Longer, Health Trade-off

Boosting plays a pivotal role in winning races in LEGO 2K Drive. The Sacrificial Boosting perk extends the boost meter's duration and accelerates the vehicle to higher top speeds.

However, prolonged boosting with this perk diminishes the driver's health and raises the risk of vehicle wrecks. It is advisable to pair this perk with heavier, sturdier vehicles to minimize the danger and utilize boosting effectively to claim the lead.

6 Wheel Of Peace

Resilience Against Damage, No Power-Ups

Lighter, faster cars are susceptible to mid-race wrecks due to their lower health. The Wheel of Peace perk provides substantial protection against opponents' attacks, making it ideal for securing and maintaining the lead.

Although it disables the use of power-ups and weapons, this perk is highly effective for builds focused on claiming the top position, offering a significant health boost and a more robust driving experience.

5 Healing Drifts

Healing During Drifts, Faster Recharge

Maintaining the car's health and preventing wrecks pose continuous challenges for skilled drivers in LEGO 2K Drive. The Healing Drifts perk allows health replenishment exclusively during drifts.

While this may heighten the difficulty for novices and lead to more wrecks, seasoned racers adept at drifting will find it advantageous. The accelerated boost recharge can make a significant difference, enabling players to boost and maneuver more frequently and swiftly.