Learning from Rise of Ronin: How Gunplay Can Enhance FromSoftware Games

Exploring the potential impact of gunplay in FromSoftware's future titles inspired by Rise of the Ronin.
Learning from Rise of Ronin: How Gunplay Can Enhance FromSoftware Games


  • Rise of the Ronin introduces innovative gunplay mechanics.
  • Guns in Soulsborne games have untapped potential for diverse gameplay experiences.
  • FromSoftware can learn valuable lessons from Rise of the Ronin's firearm variety.

Elden Ring boasts an extensive arsenal of over three hundred weapons spread across various categories, offering players a plethora of combat options. While Rise of the Ronin may pale in comparison with only nine primary weapon types, its focus on diverse combat styles balances the scales. However, the visual flair of Elden Ring's fantastical weapons and spells outshines the more grounded weaponry of Rise of the Ronin, a contrast likely to grow over time.

The future of post-launch content for Rise of the Ronin remains uncertain, unlike Elden Ring, which is set to receive new weapons and spells in its upcoming expansion. This disparity in content stems from the distinct design philosophies of FromSoftware and Team Ninja, with the latter excelling in gun-based combat, a realm where FromSoftware had yet to fully explore until Rise of the Ronin.

The Untapped Potential of Gunplay in Soulslike Games

Traditionally, ranged weapons like bows and crossbows in FromSoftware titles have often played second fiddle to magic. The exception lies in Bloodborne, where firearms served a unique purpose, requiring strategic resource management for optimal use. Despite this, the appeal of gunplay in Soulsborne games remains high, as evidenced by the positive reception to Rise of the Ronin's gun-focused gameplay.

The firearms introduced in Rise of the Ronin include:

  • Bayonets — Primary
  • Rifles — Secondary
  • Handguns — Secondary
  • Fire Pipes — Secondary

While Fire Pipes cater to specific scenarios, the remaining arsenal provides a robust selection for players seeking a gun-centric playstyle. With Bayonets offering unique ranged abilities, rifles and handguns delivering burst damage and versatility, Rise of the Ronin showcases the mechanical depth that gunplay can bring to the Soulslike genre.

Lessons for FromSoftware: Innovating Gun Mechanics

Rise of the Ronin's handgun mechanics, distinct from Nioh's rifles, present a new combat dimension that FromSoftware can draw inspiration from for future projects. Handguns in Rise of the Ronin allow rapid firing, evasion shots, enhanced critical hits, and the ability to interrupt enemy attacks, offering a dynamic gameplay experience. This innovation hints at the potential for a successor to Bloodborne that focuses on maximizing the effectiveness of small arms in combat scenarios.

Embracing Versatility: Bayonets in Soulslike Games

While Bloodborne features weapons akin to Rise of the Ronin's Bayonets, the latter's design stands out for its flexibility and unique mechanics. Bayonets in Rise of the Ronin can switch between stances, utilize status effect enhancements, and shoot various bullet types without consuming ammo. Adapting this versatility into FromSoftware's titles could introduce a fresh and engaging playstyle within the Soulslike genre.