Discovering the Virtuous Elder Scrolls Characters

Exploring the noble and law-abiding figures in The Elder Scrolls universe, embodying the essence of goodness and righteousness.
Discovering the Virtuous Elder Scrolls Characters


  • In The Elder Scrolls series, lawful good characters prioritize the common good and adhere to moral codes.
  • Characters like Hieronymus Lex and Hadvar exemplify integrity, idealism, and a commitment to justice even in challenging circumstances.
  • Martin Septim, a paragon of lawful goodness, made the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard Tamriel, showcasing valor and devotion.

Within the vast tapestry of The Elder Scrolls lore, amidst the tales that beckon to the sinister and power-hungry, there exist shining examples of valor, heroism, and adherence to a moral compass. These characters embody the archetype of lawful goodness, offering players a glimpse into a world where authority figures champion the cause of the common folk.

Lawful good personas may come off as rigid or overly principled, yet their dedication to the greater good and their respect for laws as a means of societal improvement are undeniably noble. In a realm where divine influences are palpable, from potent Aedric artifacts to healing sanctuaries, their devout and deferential beliefs hold substantial weight.

Hieronymus Lex

The Idealist Who Strives for Justice

  • Despite good intentions, Lex's zeal sometimes leads to unintended consequences
  • Respected by law-abiding citizens, he perseveres in setting a positive example even in adversity

As the head of the city guard, Hieronymus Lex may appear stern and righteous, embodying his name's Latin meaning of 'the law as written.' However, his core values include honesty, a belief in justice, and a genuine desire to see the Imperial City thrive. In Oblivion, watching this law-abiding official clash with the Gray Fox and the Thieves' Guild provides moments of ironic levity.

Despite his noble aspirations for the city and its residents, Lex's uncompromising pursuit of justice can alienate the populace. For instance, his harsh treatment of the impoverished aiding the Gray Fox backfired, leading to a revolt and his eventual reassignment. Nevertheless, he retains the admiration and respect of the guards in Anvil.

Indoril Nerevar

Champion of Azura and Peacemaker Among Foes

  • Devoted to Azura and mediator between conflicting factions, Nerevar upheld peace for generations
  • His weapon, Trueflame, possesses divine might against deities in the hands of the virtuous

While the Nerevarine's alignment in Morrowind can vary, the historical figure of Indoril Nerevar embodies a lawful good spirit for several reasons. Known for his loyalty to Azura and his amicable relations with the Ashlanders and even the Dwemer, Nerevar shunned the pursuit of power through Kagrenac's tools, condemning it as sacrilege despite its tempting advantages.

Before his demise, Nerevar secured oaths from his advisors to never misuse the Dwemer artifacts, a promise they broke, ascending to godhood. Additionally, his sword, Trueflame, was said to possess the ability to slay a deity when wielded by a noble-hearted individual.


Imperial Soldier and Upholder of Virtue

  • A staunch advocate for Imperial values, Hadvar sees the Empire as Skyrim's beacon of hope
  • Likely inheriting his lawful good nature from his family, particularly his uncle

Despite the Empire's post-war frailty in the fourth era, exemplified by the conflict with the Altmeri Dominion, figures like Hadvar in Skyrim see the Empire's positive impact, such as the abolition of slavery in Morrowind and fostering continental peace. Hadvar, one of the Nords players can align with initially, embodies a strong sense of duty and justice, evident when he hesitates to execute the Last Dragonborn just before Alduin's intervention.

Echoing his uncle Alvor's altruistic traits, Hadvar extends generosity to strangers, providing aid and supplies to the Last Dragonborn upon their arrival in Riverwood, showcasing his commitment to upholding law and order.