Exclusive Interview: Behind the Scenes of Kristala - From Concept to Release

Delve into the making of Kristala, an upcoming game blending elements of Sekiro with a feline twist, in this exclusive Game Rant interview with Astral Clocktower Studios.
Exclusive Interview: Behind the Scenes of Kristala - From Concept to Release


  • Learn about the unique inspirations behind Kristala's development.
  • Discover the diverse clans and characters that shape the world of Ailur.
  • Uncover the game's innovative features, such as episodic releases and stealth mechanics.

Metal enthusiasts, cat aficionados, and ARPG enthusiasts are in for a treat this May as Astral Clockwork Studios gears up to unveil the Early Access date for their Sekiro-inspired game Kristala.

Embark on a challenging journey through a mysterious curse, encounter bosses voiced by deathcore metal artists, and engage with the six Raksakkars as you aim to join the prestigious Raksaka ranks and unravel the secrets of Ailur. Game Rant sat down with Alexis Brutman, the founder and producer of Kristala, to get insights into the game's structure, expansive world, and the unique language crafted by Astral Clocktower. The interview has been condensed for clarity and conciseness.

Q: What Sparked the Idea of Feline Protagonists?

Brutman: The concept of feline protagonists stemmed from a blend of ideas between myself and Tiffany [Gomez], my partner at Astral Clocktower. Initially, we discussed creating a soulslike game and a cute cat adventure separately. Eventually, we merged these concepts to birth a feline soulslike experience.

The inclusion of cats added a layer of unique mechanics to the game, offering players verticality and traversal abilities not found in traditional soulslike titles. This decision opened up new gameplay possibilities and made Kristala stand out in a crowded genre.

Q: What Influenced the Design of Kristala?

Brutman: The game draws inspiration from the soulslike genre, with a particular admiration for Bloodborne, which also influenced our studio's name. Additionally, both Tiffany and I have a background in veterinary care, and my passion for rescuing cats for over two decades naturally led to the creation of a cat-centric game. The fusion of these influences birthed the concept of Kristala, offering a fresh perspective to players.

Q: Meet the Feline Warrior Ana and Explore the World of Ailur

Brutman: Players embody Ana, a fierce feline warrior known as an Anagativa, chosen to become a Raksakkar by harnessing the power of Kristala. In Ailur, a land inhabited by six magical cat clans, players must prove their worth by embarking on a perilous journey to join the esteemed Raksaka ranks. Amidst this quest for peace, unexpected challenges arise, including a rebellion by the rodent-like Kotakaya seeking access to the Sacred Kristals.

Q: Crafting a Unique Language and Naming Convention

Brutman: The creation of Ailuran, the language used in Kristala, involved a meticulous process. By combining elements from various languages and developing a coherent vocabulary, the team crafted a language that resonates with the game's lore. Working with linguists, they transformed Ailuran into a functional language, enabling dynamic word creation and immersive storytelling.

Q: Unveiling the Diverse Clans of Ailur

Brutman: Within Ailur, six distinct cat clans each possess unique magical abilities and characteristics. From the nature-focused Nisarga to the necromantic Myrtuna, players can customize their character's appearance while embodying the traits of their chosen clan. As players traverse the clan biomes, they will encounter varied challenges and engage with the rich cultural tapestry of Ailur's inhabitants.

Q: Early Access Teasers and Gameplay Dynamics

Brutman: The Early Access release, slated for May, will introduce players to the Nisarga and Myrtuna clans, offering a glimpse into the diverse landscapes and characters within Kristala. Players can expect episodic releases, with each chapter delving deeper into the lore and gameplay mechanics. From stealth-oriented gameplay to strategic combat, Kristala provides a fresh take on the soulslike genre, inviting players to explore a world where feline prowess meets challenging adversaries.