Kingdom Hearts 4: Contemplating Star Wars Integration on Endor

Exploring the potential inclusion of a Star Wars world in Kingdom Hearts 4 and the challenges it poses.
Kingdom Hearts 4: Contemplating Star Wars Integration on Endor


  • Fans anticipate a Star Wars world in Kingdom Hearts 4, generating excitement for the crossover.
  • Selecting a Star Wars location for Kingdom Hearts 4 presents design challenges due to the vastness of the franchise.
  • The Forest Moon of Endor from Return of the Jedi emerges as a speculated choice for a Star Wars world in Kingdom Hearts 4.

As details on Kingdom Hearts 4 remain scarce, speculation runs wild based on available snippets and teasers. While the focus of Kingdom Hearts 4 so far has centered on Sora awakening in the realistic Quadratum world, fans have begun conjecturing about the potential introduction of a Star Wars realm in this installment. However, the addition of a Star Wars world presents a new dilemma that Kingdom Hearts 4 must address delicately given the excitement surrounding this potential crossover.

Since Disney acquired Marvel and Star Wars, enthusiasts of Kingdom Hearts have eagerly awaited the inclusion of these universes in a new game. While Kingdom Hearts 3 missed this opportunity, it did introduce worlds inspired by Pixar films like Toy Story and Monsters, Inc. These properties offered straightforward worlds for Kingdom Hearts to incorporate, but the vast and intricate Star Wars galaxy poses a challenge for Kingdom Hearts 4 in selecting a suitable location to represent this franchise.

Deliberating on the Location for Kingdom Hearts 4's Star Wars World

The appeal of Kingdom Hearts games often lies in their diverse representation of worlds from various Disney entities. These worlds can significantly influence a Kingdom Hearts experience, as evidenced by the critique Kingdom Hearts 3 faced for lackluster worlds like Arendelle from Frozen and 100 Acre Wood from Winnie the Pooh. Bearing this feedback in mind, Kingdom Hearts 4 must proceed cautiously when crafting a world from the immensely popular Star Wars franchise, given the vastness of the Star Wars universe.

The Star Wars universe boasts numerous iconic planets, making it challenging for Kingdom Hearts 4 to single out one for its setting. Even if the game focuses solely on the original trilogy, pinpointing the ideal planet to encapsulate the essence of the franchise within Kingdom Hearts' compact world format poses a difficulty. A Kingdom Hearts 4 Star Wars world could potentially blend segments from a film like A New Hope, incorporating Tatooine and the Death Star, but this approach risks making the world feel hurried.

Predicting the Likely Appearance of Endor in a Kingdom Hearts 4 Star Wars World

If Kingdom Hearts 4 opts for a single planet from the original trilogy for its Star Wars world, several options are on the table, with some being more suitable than others. While Tatooine stands out as an iconic planet in the franchise, its desert landscape might resemble Agrabah from Aladdin, and Hoth could mirror Arendelle from Frozen. Both planets could encounter a common problem faced by Kingdom Hearts 3 of being overly expansive with limited engaging features.

The Forest Moon of Endor from Return of the Jedi emerges as the prime contender for a Star Wars world in Kingdom Hearts 4, possibly hinted at in the game's teaser. Endor offers a more captivating setting with its dense forests and Imperial outposts, providing a backdrop of action with the potential inclusion of NPC Ewoks battling Stormtroopers. While satisfying every Star Wars fan irrespective of how Kingdom Hearts 4 tackles a world from the franchise is challenging, setting the stage on Endor appears to be the optimal choice and the most probable.