The Pitfalls of Introducing Multiverses in Kingdom Hearts 4

Exploring the risks and consequences of delving into multiverse storytelling in the Kingdom Hearts franchise.
The Pitfalls of Introducing Multiverses in Kingdom Hearts 4


  • Simplifying the story in Kingdom Hearts 4 can make it more accessible to all players.
  • The introduction of multiverses in Kingdom Hearts 4 could lead to confusion and fatigue among audiences.
  • While the current narrative complexity in Kingdom Hearts is intriguing, diving into multiverse concepts may be a step too far.

With the intricate and labyrinthine storytelling style that defines the Kingdom Hearts series, details about Kingdom Hearts 4 remain scarce. The existing narrative is vast, convoluted, and multi-layered, making it challenging for players to grasp the overarching plot without extensive research. To maintain engagement, Kingdom Hearts 4 should prioritize streamlining its storyline rather than further complicating it.

One way to exacerbate the complexity of the Kingdom Hearts narrative is by incorporating multiverses. The trend of multiverse narratives has gained traction, particularly with the popularity of superhero crossovers like The Avengers and the innovative Spider-Verse concept in Marvel movies. While this approach may seem like a natural evolution of crossover storytelling, the Kingdom Hearts series risks overextending itself by embracing this trend.

Challenges of Multiverse Integration in Kingdom Hearts 4

The Overused Appeal of Multiverses

As Kingdom Hearts 4 considers incorporating characters from various franchises, there is a temptation for Square Enix to intensify the universe-hopping narrative by introducing alternate versions of familiar characters. While the idea of Sora interacting with different iterations of himself or referencing past versions of Disney characters may sound intriguing, it mirrors a common tactic in contemporary blockbuster entertainment.

Despite its initial novelty, the concept of multiverses has become somewhat cliché in mainstream media, with major brands exploiting it to revive older content and capitalize on nostalgia. While this storytelling technique has its merits, failures like The Flash demonstrate that it does not always lead to success but can instead result in contrived and pandering narratives. The existing complexity of Kingdom Hearts adds to its allure, and fully embracing multiverses may diminish this distinctive charm.

The Dilemma of Multiverse Adoption in Kingdom Hearts

The unresolved narrative threads in Kingdom Hearts 4, coupled with Sora's predicament in Quadratum at the conclusion of KH3, hint at a potential multiverse direction for the franchise. While a multiverse could introduce new characters, possibly integrating Disney's recent remake films, this expansion comes at a significant cost.

Although Kingdom Hearts is renowned for its complex storytelling, which appeals to many fans, there is a growing need for a more accessible plot to attract newcomers. While Kingdom Hearts 4 should retain its depth, escalating the narrative complexity with a full-fledged multiverse concept may alienate both existing and potential players.