Unraveling Kaiju No. 8: Diverse Kaiju Varieties

Curious about the mysterious creatures chasing Kafka in Kaiju No. 8? Let's delve into the details.
Unraveling Kaiju No. 8: Diverse Kaiju Varieties


  • Kaiju No. 8, a trending anime, offers a compelling mix of pacing, characters, and graphic visuals, capturing viewers' attention from the start.
  • In Kaiju No. 8, kaiju possess unique powers stored in their Uni-organs, distinguished by size and Fortitude Level.
  • Honju, Yoju, and Daikaiju stand as the primary kaiju types, each boasting distinct power levels and abilities worth exploring.

Kaiju No. 8 stands out as a popular anime currently captivating audiences in the Spring 2024 season. The first episode has garnered widespread appeal globally, streaming on Crunchyroll simultaneously with its Japanese release and offering same-day dubs. With a MyAnimeList score of 8.21 after just one episode, the series is making a mark.

The anime, based on a 2020 manga, introduces viewers to a world teeming with kaiju. These monstrous beings are classified based on various factors, such as their size. To enhance your Kaiju No. 8 experience, let's explore the different kaiju classifications drawn from both the manga and the anime.

Understanding Kaiju

Before delving into specific kaiju types in the series, let's revisit the Oxford English Dictionary's definition of "kaiju." According to the OED, a "kaiju" refers to

This definition closely aligns with the creatures confronting the protagonist Kafka Hibino in Kaiju No. 8, set in a parallel Japan under constant assault by these monsters. The pervasive kaiju attacks necessitate the Japan Anti-Kaiju Defense Force's existence, with Kafka engaged full-time in the kaiju clean-up crew to manage the aftermath of these defeated beasts.

Diverse Kaiju in Kaiju No. 8

Each kaiju in Kaiju No. 8 possesses distinct powers stemming from their Uni-organ, a reservoir of unique abilities. While individual kaiju differ in power and appearance, three primary classifications based on size and Fortitude Level are predominantly used.


Referred to as "Honju," these colossal kaiju in Kaiju No. 8 are among the most potent. Often accompanied by smaller yoju, they typically boast a Fortitude Level of 6.0 or higher. Honju necessitate a full platoon from the Anti-Kaiju Defense Force to subdue and cause widespread devastation until contained, as witnessed in the first episode when Miho, Kafka's childhood friend, confronts one attacking Yokohama.


"Yoju," though smaller than honju, still tower over humans. Serving as assistants to honju, several yoju often support a single honju. These creatures trail honju's path, evident in the first episode of Kaiju No. 8 when one surprises Kafka and his coworker during clean-up. Yoju may act as parasites on larger honju or even be creations of honju themselves.


Classified as "Daikaiju," these kaiju in Kaiju No. 8 are known for their exceptional power, surpassing all others with a Fortitude Level exceeding 8.0. Often identified by numerical designations for distinction, the prime example is Kafka, transforming into the daikaiju "Kaiju No. 8" with a formidable Fortitude Level of 9.8.

These classifications offer insights into the kaiju world of Kaiju No. 8. While each kaiju boasts unique abilities and strengths, they generally align within these categories based on Fortitude Level, allowing viewers to better comprehend the creatures encountered. Dive into the world of Kaiju No. 8 on Crunchyroll today.