Decoding the Enigmatic Itadori Clan in Jujutsu Kaisen

Unraveling the surprising secrets unveiled in Chapter 257 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga about Yuji's peculiar family dynamics.
Decoding the Enigmatic Itadori Clan in Jujutsu Kaisen


  • Chapter 257 sheds light on Yuji's mysterious lineage, connecting his family to Sukuna and Kenjaku's sinister machinations.
  • Jin Itadori's revelation as Sukuna's twin reshapes Yuji's destiny, exposing Kenjaku's meticulous manipulation for the ideal vessel.
  • The intricate ties between Yuji, his family, and the influential sorcerers in history add layers of complexity to the series' climactic storyline.

Dive into the intricate world of Jujutsu Kaisen and explore the enigmatic backstory of its main character, Yuji Itadori. Initially shrouded in mystery, Yuji's family history and extraordinary abilities remained elusive, leaving fans curious about his origins and unique connection with Sukuna. However, the recent chapter 257 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga unraveled many of these mysteries.

This revelation not only provided clarity on Yuji's past but also unveiled the deep-rooted animosity Sukuna harbored towards him, stemming from a centuries-old bond. Let's delve into the eccentric members of the Itadori family and dissect how their identities have shaped Yuji's journey!

Yuji's Mother - Kaori Itadori/Kenjaku

The revelation of Yuji's mother, Kaori Itadori, as Kenjaku himself, a formidable sorcerer of ancient lineage, shed light on the source of Yuji's exceptional talents. While this disclosure offered insights into Yuji's innate prowess, it also birthed a plethora of new questions.


This revelation stands as a pivotal moment in the series, unveiling the villains' longstanding plot. Kenjaku's manipulation to groom Yuji as Sukuna's vessel, by inhabiting Kaori's body, underscores his pivotal role in orchestrating major events.

Yuji's Father - Jin Itadori

In a surprising twist, Chapter 257 revealed Jin Itadori as the reincarnation of Sukuna's twin, unraveling the intricate connection between Yuji's strength and his ancestry. This revelation elucidated Kenjaku's deliberate selection of Jin as Yuji's father to craft the perfect vessel for Sukuna.


Twins in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe inherit a shared soul, rendering them an anomaly within sorcery circles. Jin's role as Sukuna's reincarnation, and subsequently Yuji's father, elevates Yuji's importance in the unfolding narrative.

Yuji's Uncle - Sukuna

Sukuna's origins, intertwined with the consumption of his twin's energy in the womb, shed light on his deep-seated animosity towards Yuji. The genetic parallels between Sukuna and Jin accentuate the complexities of their relationship, adding layers to the series' narrative.


This revelation not only explains Sukuna's disdain towards Yuji but also underscores the genetic connection shared between Sukuna and Jin, further complicating the familial dynamics as the story approaches its climax.

Yuji's Brothers - Choso And The Death Paintings

The emergence of Choso and the Death Paintings, creations of Kenjaku's sinister experiments, initially positioned them as adversaries to Yuji. However, a shared revelation of brotherhood between Choso and Yuji, orchestrated by Kenjaku, transformed Choso into a valuable ally in the battle ahead.


Choso's evolution from antagonist to ally highlights the intricate web of relationships woven by Kenjaku, reshaping the dynamics within Jujutsu High and underscoring the complexities of familial ties in the narrative.

Yuji's Grandfather - Wasuke Itadori

While Yuji's grandfather, Wasuke Itadori, plays a minor role in the overarching plot, his influence on Yuji's upbringing and his early suspicions about Kaori's unnatural birth add a layer of intrigue to the family's history.


Wasuke's observant nature and early insights into the family's secrets hint at a deeper connection to the mysterious events unfolding, teasing a potential link to Kenjaku's past machinations.

Honorable Mention - Aoi Todo, Yuji's 'Brother'

Despite the absence of blood ties, Todo's unwavering camaraderie with Yuji transcends familial bonds, symbolizing a profound connection forged through shared experiences and mutual respect. Their partnership, culminating in pivotal victories against formidable foes, underscores the strength of their bond.


Todo's evolution from adversary to ally showcases the transformative power of friendship and solidarity in navigating the challenges posed by the Cursed Energy-infested world they inhabit, enriching Yuji's growth and resilience.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available for streaming on Amazon Prime and Netflix.