Exploring Judas' Unique Choice-Driven Narrative in Comparison to BioShock

Discover how Judas, despite its likeness to BioShock, distinguishes itself through its emphasis on player choice and narrative freedom.
Exploring Judas' Unique Choice-Driven Narrative in Comparison to BioShock


  • Judas, the upcoming first-person shooter from Ghost Story Games, may share similarities with the BioShock series, but it offers a distinct experience with a greater focus on player choice and narrative freedom.
  • Players can expect a unique and compelling story in Judas, as emphasized by Ken Levine, the founder of Ghost Story Games and creator of BioShock.
  • Judas promises a narrative experience where players have the freedom to shape the story and influence the characters in unprecedented ways, setting it apart from the traditional storytelling in BioShock.

As fans eagerly await the release of Bioshock 4, Ghost Story Games, under the leadership of Ken Levine, has unveiled new details about the upcoming first-person shooter Judas during PlayStation's 2024 State of Play. Formerly known as Irrational Games, the developer behind BioShock and BioShock Infinite, Ghost Story Games is set to make its mark with Judas, marking its first title after rebranding from Irrational, whose last release was BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode Two in 2014. At first glance, Judas seems to capitalize on the success of BioShock, evident through the showcased similarities during the State of Play.

Following the premiere of Judas's story trailer at the 2024 State of Play, numerous BioShock enthusiasts began drawing comparisons between the two games, given the shared elements such as skills, graphics, and tone. Despite these resemblances, Ken Levine assures fans that Judas will deliver a completely unique experience, primarily due to a significant divergence from the BioShock series.

Judas' Distinctive Approach to Player Choices

BioShock's Limited Player Choices

Renowned for its captivating narrative and a surprising plot twist in the second act, the original BioShock is celebrated as one of the best video game stories. However, it lacked substantial player agency, revolving around the player yielding to the game's directives. The pivotal plot twist revealed that the protagonist, Jack, had been under the manipulation of Atlas, later unveiled as Frank Fontaine, throughout the game using the trigger phrase