The Impact of Judas' Charming Robot Sidekick on Gameplay

Explore the bond with Scutty, a lovable robotic companion, in Judas as it shuttles players across the game's diverse districts.
The Impact of Judas' Charming Robot Sidekick on Gameplay


  • Judas revolutionizes storytelling with unique LEGO design elements, empowering players to shape the narrative's course.
  • Scutty, an endearing robotic dog companion in Judas, not only facilitates fast travel but also unveils the vastness of the game's world.
  • The substantial size of Scutty hints at expansive locations awaiting discovery within the immersive universe of Judas.

Judas marks Ken Levine's latest venture with Ghost Story Games, diverging from his renowned FPS title BioShock with a refreshing twist. In this game, players embody Judas aboard the futuristic city of Mayflower, navigating a web of intrigue surrounding her demise and the enigmatic hostility pervading the ship. Departing from traditional storytelling, Judas employs innovative 'narrative LEGO' mechanics, granting players unparalleled agency over the storyline's evolution.

Expect a vibrant cast of characters in Judas, a hallmark of Levine's narrative prowess. Among the notable figures are the three Mayflower leaders – Tom, Nefertiti, and Hope – each harboring distinct ambitions that entangle with Judas' fate. Adding a touch of charm is Scutty, the robotic canine companion, serving as both a loyal ally and a key means of traversing the expansive world of Judas.

Scutty's Role Indicates a World of Possibilities in Judas

Scutty: The Delightful Robotic Travel Companion

The exact mechanics of Scutty's functionality remain shrouded in mystery, but confirmed reports portray it as a swift mode of transportation between Mayflower's districts. Players might find themselves maneuvering Scutty akin to driving a vehicle, as hinted in released footage showing Judas embarking on this robotic companion.

Scutty's Presence as a Window to Judas' Expansive Realm

Levine's allusions to the vastness of Judas' world are substantiated by Scutty's inclusion. While not an open-world title, the game promises detailed districts visible from afar and fully explorable on foot. Scutty's considerable size not only implies a sprawling environment but also underscores the depth of gameplay awaiting players within each unique district.

Scutty's significance transcends mere size; it signifies a shift towards a more immersive and engaging gaming experience in Judas. Whether as a guide through intricate locales or a comforting presence in the midst of turmoil, Scutty embodies the essence of a transformative companion, hinting at the uncharted territories players will explore alongside it in this groundbreaking title.