10 Video Game Weapons That Left Players Speechless

These astonishing weapons left a lasting impression on players for a variety of reasons.
10 Video Game Weapons That Left Players Speechless


  • Some video game weapons stunned players with their violent or gory nature, such as the Air Taser in Syphon Filter.
  • Games like Duke Nukem Forever and Turok 2 featured surreal and comical weapons, like the Impegrenader and the Cerebral Bore.
  • Unconventional weapons, such as the Jarate in Team Fortress 2 and the Cat Shotgun in POSTAL 2, introduced absurd and playful elements to gameplay.

Video game weapons serve as tools to help players overcome challenges and adversaries. They often leave an indelible mark on players, sometimes for their shocking and unexpected attributes.

These weapons have the power to astound and bewilder for a multitude of reasons. Whether they pushed the boundaries of violence and gore, possessed surreal and comical features, or introduced unconventional and playful elements, they all managed to leave players utterly speechless.

1 Air Taser (Syphon Filter)

The Air Taser fires a grappling hook that latches onto foes from afar and can set them on fire!

The Air Taser in the original Syphon Filter game shocked players by firing a hook from a distance, immobilizing enemies, and eventually setting them ablaze. This level of detail and excessiveness was truly remarkable and unexpected at the time.

Players soon discovered that prolonged electrocution could engulf the unfortunate target in flames, a feature that showcased the game's meticulous attention to detail.

2 Impegrenader (Duke Nukem Forever)

This peculiar weapon extracts slime from a massive… body part.

Featured in The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC for the much-criticized Duke Nukem Forever, the Impegrenader represented a significant departure from conventional weapons. This literal giant testicle with tentacles flung slime, inflicting substantial damage on adversaries.

Despite its potential to harm Duke and its questionable origins, the Impegrenader's potency and unique design captivated players, adding an unexpected twist to the game.

3 MIRV Launcher (Fallout 3)

A modified version of the Fat Man, the MIRV Launcher fires eight Mini Nukes at once!

The Fat Man from Fallout 3 turned players into walking harbingers of destruction. However, the MIRV Launcher took this mayhem to a whole new level by unleashing eight Mini Nukes simultaneously.

This excessive display of firepower not only epitomized overkill but also posed a financial burden, prompting players to wield it judiciously, adding an unexpected strategic element to the game.