Jack Black Drops a Bombshell About the Super Mario Bros Movie Sequel

Bowser actor Jack Black shares unexpected news on the upcoming Super Mario Bros. movie sequel that will leave fans surprised.
Jack Black Drops a Bombshell About the Super Mario Bros Movie Sequel


  • Jack Black shares his enthusiasm for the Super Mario Bros. movie sequel but reveals he has yet to receive any updates.
  • Black's portrayal of Bowser and his hysterical love song, "Peaches," was well-received and even received its own music video.
  • The delay in the sequel announcement could be due to the studio's hectic schedule and potential upcoming projects, sparking speculation about the franchise's future.

Jack Black is just as thrilled as anyone for the highly-awaited sequel to The Super Mario Bros. Movie by Illumination, and he's finally spilled the beans on what's happening with it. He even has some thoughts on potential future sequels because, well, it's Jack Black.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie pleasantly surprised viewers with its creative adaptation of the popular video game series. The film took some bold liberties, notably altering Mario's origin story to a narrative where he's transported from the real world, resembling an isekai anime series. Another significant change involved Bowser's portrayal. Played by Black, the character maintained his brutal, monstrous king persona while also introducing amusing new elements, such as a comical love song that may earn him and the film an Oscar nod, among other accolades.

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So, amidst all this triumph, what's the latest on the sequel? In a recent interview with Variety, Black finally spilled the tea. Unfortunately, it appears that he's actually in the dark and hasn't received any updates yet. This comes as quite a shock, considering the widespread success of the first movie. The most recent update seems to be The Super Mario Bros. Movie's release on Netflix on December 3rd.

However, it's not all grim. Black also delved into the creation of Bowser's unexpectedly popular power ballad, "Peaches," which undoubtedly resonated with the character's persona. This track gained such popularity that Black's Bowser song even received its music video. According to the actor, he only incorporates a musical aspect into a role if the studio is transparent about it from the outset, as he takes his musical work very seriously. This commitment is evident through his involvement in the musical comedy duo Tenacious D alongside his longtime collaborator Kyle Glass.

So, why does everything seem to be at a standstill? Firstly, the studio behind the film is swamped with numerous projects, with seemingly a new movie every year. Rumors even circulated over the summer about a potential Legend of Zelda movie from Illumination. Additionally, they have the duck movie that has been dominating theaters for months. It's important to remember that The Super Mario Bros. Movie isn't solely a Nintendo production, so they must wait until the studio completes its ongoing projects.

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