Exclusive Interview: Inside the Making of Super Dragon Punch Force 3 by Talent Digital Art

Get insights from the developers behind the new live-service fighter that intertwines with the movie, Boy Kills World.
Exclusive Interview: Inside the Making of Super Dragon Punch Force 3 by Talent Digital Art


  • Learn about the unique concept behind Super Dragon Punch Force 3
  • Discover the relationship between the game and the film, Boy Kills World
  • Explore the distinctive characters and settings in SDPF3

Super Dragon Punch Force 3 is an upcoming live-service fighter developed by Talent Digital Art from South Africa, connecting with the latest film, Boy Kills World, led by Bill Skarsgard. This indie game will be accessible on PC and mobile platforms and is set to launch its open beta on April 26.

In a recent interview with Game Rant, TDA shared insights into the design, influences, and aspirations for their debut fighter, Super Dragon Punch Force 3 (SDPF3). The interview has been condensed for clarity.

Crafting New Franchises

Q: How did the idea of creating a real sequel to a fictional game emerge?

Tanya Brits: Talent Digital Art is a new game studio in South Africa under the Talent and Holdings Group, which includes Motiva Pictures producing the film, Boy Kills World. The film’s script inspired us to explore potential game mechanics, leading us to envision a fighting game in an 8-bit/16-bit style that could stand independently from the movie. This allowed us to blend elements from the film with our original ideas, fostering a unique gaming experience.

Judd Fitzjohn: Our love for fighting games influenced our choice of genre.

Q: How does SDPF3 relate to Boy Kills World beyond being featured in the movie?

TB: The game serves as a promotional tool for the film and vice versa, aiming to establish two robust IPs within a shared universe. By introducing new characters alongside familiar ones, we aim to create a cohesive franchise while offering standalone experiences for players.

JF: We view both the game and the film as distinct entities with their own narratives, yet their coexistence enriches the overall universe, providing fans with a comprehensive experience.

Q: Why did you opt for a comic book store arcade setting?

JF: Featuring an arcade cabinet in the game pays homage to classic gaming culture and aligns with the film's thematic elements, resonating with our team's passion for arcade aesthetics and geek culture.

Drawing from the Masters

Q: What sets SDPF3 apart from other fighting games? How does it incorporate familiar mechanics?

JF: Our admiration for various fighting game franchises influenced the diverse gameplay elements in SDPF3, drawing inspiration from popular titles while focusing on accessibility. We aim to welcome a broader audience to the fighting game genre without compromising on depth for enthusiasts.

TB: The live-service model emphasizes community involvement in the game's development, ensuring player feedback shapes the evolving experience.

Q: What insights did SDPF3 gain from established fighting games?

JF: Developing SDPF3 has been a profound learning experience, appreciating the artistry and meticulous design that define successful fighting games. By dissecting and understanding the nuances of the genre, we aimed to craft a game that not only functions well but also feels gratifying to play.

Q: Can you introduce SDPF3's roster of fighters and your personal favorites?

TB: With a starting lineup of eight characters, blending film personas with original creations, SDPF3 offers a diverse array of fighting styles and mechanics. Each character is distinct, providing unique gameplay experiences.

JF: Sharing insights into their favorite characters, the developers highlight individual preferences and the significance of character design rooted in cultural elements.

Visuals Inspired by Comics and Melodies That Stick

Q: How did comic books and manga influence the visual style of SDPF3?

JF: Embracing the spirit of comics and manga, SDPF3's character design aims to evoke joy and immersion, reflecting the team's passion for crafting compelling characters with distinct narratives.

Q: Who is responsible for the sound and music in SDPF3?

JF: With a focus on creating a memorable soundtrack, SDPF3's music composition aims to enhance the gaming experience, offering tracks that complement the action without overpowering it. Collaborating with local talents underscores the team's commitment to showcasing South African creativity.

TB: The game's sound design serves as a testament to the team's dedication to representing their roots and inspiring future generations through innovative game development.

Q: Any final thoughts for our audience?

TB: SDPF3 will be available on iOS, Android, and Steam, with the open beta launching on April 26. Players are encouraged to engage with the game, watch the film, and provide feedback to help shape the evolving world of Super Dragon Punch Force 3.


Super Dragon Punch Force 3 enters open beta on April 26 for Mobile and PC.