Innovative N64 Controller Mod with Game Boy Advance Inside

Discover how a Nintendo enthusiast ingeniously integrates a functional Game Boy Advance into an N64 controller, captivating fans with their creativity.
Innovative N64 Controller Mod with Game Boy Advance Inside


  • Experience the ingenuity of Nintendo fans through unique hardware modifications, such as incorporating a Game Boy Advance within an N64 controller.
  • MaSaKee's impressive mod features a fully operational Game Boy Advance nestled inside the N64 controller, complete with LED indicators and a built-in speaker.
  • While Nintendo reimagines old consoles, enthusiasts like MaSaKee push boundaries by crafting custom amalgamations using various Nintendo components.

An adept Nintendo enthusiast has ingeniously customized an N64 controller to accommodate a Game Boy Advance internally, leaving fans in awe at the innovative fusion. Enthusiasts are intrigued by the unique amalgamation of N64 and Game Boy Advance, eager to delve into the intricacies of its creation.

Over the years, Nintendo has downsized several of its gaming consoles to more compact versions like the Wii Mini or Game Boy Pocket. However, most of these revisions focus on shrinking the original hardware without substantial alterations. In cases where Nintendo's redesigns fall short, fans willingly step in, devising imaginative transformations for gaming systems. The existence of a Wii as compact as a deck of cards stands testament to this trend, with this recent creation serving as yet another testament.

Reddit user and Nintendo enthusiast MaSaKee proudly unveiled their creation, sparking admiration within the community. The collection of images showcases the operational Game Boy Advance, projecting gameplay onto a central screen embedded in the N64 controller. The rear view reveals slots for authentic cartridges, enabling gameplay of both Game Boy Advance and original Game Boy titles on the device. Equipped with its own speaker, the controller also offers an audio jack for players preferring headphones. MaSaKee further embellished the creation with LED indicators signaling the device's power status and charging state.

The final image provides a glimpse inside the controller, exposing the Game Boy Advance's internal components snugly fitted within. Trimming down a GBA motherboard was a requisite to integrate it into the N64 controller, ensuring the original hardware remains functional. MaSaKee mentions that the N64 controller shell was salvaged from a defective unit. While numerous fans expressed interest in purchasing this unique creation, it remains uncertain if MaSaKee intends to sell or produce more units.

Customizing Nintendo Consoles with a Twist

This initiative is not the first instance of a Nintendo aficionado crafting a bespoke piece from various Nintendo systems and components. Previously, enthusiasts have transformed a GBA into a Nintendo Switch controller, while others repurposed the GBA link cable port into an AV output, facilitating gameplay on larger screens. The N64 also receives attention, with enthusiasts tweaking the console to play Switch games or even enabling internet connectivity akin to modern gaming systems. While such innovations may not originate from Nintendo directly, the resourcefulness of hardware enthusiasts knows no bounds.