5 Innovative Games That Promote Creative Problem-Solving

Discover how these video games encourage players to think outside the box and find unique solutions to puzzles.
5 Innovative Games That Promote Creative Problem-Solving


  • Modern video games embrace open-ended puzzles, allowing for creative problem-solving and diverse outcomes.
  • Games like Undertale and Scribblenauts Unlimited empower players to approach challenges in their own creative ways.
  • Baldur's Gate 3 and Portal 2 reward players for their inventive thinking and offer multiple paths to tackle problems.

Initially, video game puzzles had fixed solutions due to technology constraints. However, with advancements, games now encourage players to think creatively by presenting open-ended challenges. This shift allows gamers the freedom to explore various solutions and be rewarded for their inventive approaches.

5 Undertale

Embracing Diverse Endings

Undertale, a 2015 hit, revolutionized puzzle-solving by offering multiple story paths without the need for combat. Players can mold the narrative through their choices, showcasing the impact of creative problem-solving on gameplay.

4 Scribblenauts Unlimited

Unleashing Imagination with Words

In Scribblenauts, players solve puzzles by summoning objects with words. The game encourages experimentation and creativity, allowing for diverse solutions to challenges based on the player's imagination.

3 Portal 2

Testing Boundaries of Creativity

Portal 2 challenges players with complex puzzles that can be solved through unconventional methods. The game promotes out-of-the-box thinking and rewards players for exploring creative solutions to navigate through obstacles.

2 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Innovative Gameplay Mechanics

Building upon the success of Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom introduces Zonai devices that enable players to create unique solutions using mechanical parts. The game encourages experimentation and inventive problem-solving.

1 Baldur's Gate 3

Embracing Player Choices

Baldur's Gate 3 translates the essence of Dungeons & Dragons into a video game, emphasizing player freedom and creativity. The game thrives on diverse decision-making, offering multiple paths and outcomes based on players' inventive problem-solving approaches.