Enhanced Movement Choices in Fallout: New Vegas

Exploring faster ways to traverse the Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.
Enhanced Movement Choices in Fallout: New Vegas


  • Discover why running is not an option in Fallout: New Vegas
  • Learn how to boost movement speed using in-game mechanics
  • Explore mod options for adding a sprint feature in the game

When diving into the world of Fallout: New Vegas, you might find your character's pace a bit sluggish compared to newer versions. This deliberate pace was designed for a reason, but there are ways to enhance your movement speed while journeying through the post-apocalyptic terrain or enjoying the vibrant casinos of New Vegas. Here are some alternative methods to move swiftly in Fallout: New Vegas.

Understanding Movement in Fallout: New Vegas

In Fallout: New Vegas, the absence of a sprint function is notable, as this feature was introduced later in games like Skyrim. Movement in the game operates with a default 'running' state, with a separate 'walking' state triggered in specific situations such as sneaking or carrying too much. To troubleshoot slow movement:

  • PC: Caps key or Shift key
  • PlayStation: Right Joystick click
  • Xbox: Right Joystick click

Check for unintentional switches to walking mode, excessive inventory weight slowing you down, or limb injuries impeding your speed.

Boosting Movement Speed

Maximize your character's speed with perks within Fallout: New Vegas. Utilize perks like Travel Light, Tunnel Runner, and Atomic! to amplify movement by up to 60%. Complement these with the M-5 implant for further enhancements.

Exploring Mod Options

If in-game tweaks aren't sufficient, consider modding to introduce a sprint feature. The 'Just Vanilla Sprint' mod is a recommended choice, offering a streamlined sprint experience without extensive prerequisites. Follow these steps to install and customize the mod for a faster-paced adventure in Fallout: New Vegas.

After installation, the sprint function should override the default key mapping, enabling you to sprint by pressing the Left Shift key. For personalized adjustments, navigate to Settings → Action Mapping within the game.