Improved Pacing: Essential for Monster Hunter Wilds

Enhancing player experience through skippable cutscenes and improved pacing
Improved Pacing: Essential for Monster Hunter Wilds


  • Monster Hunter World's unskippable cutscenes hinder the game's pacing and frustrate players, impacting their overall hunting experience.
  • Monster Hunter Rise sets a positive example with skippable cutscenes and a smaller, less intrusive story, allowing players to focus on the thrill of the hunt.
  • Including skippable cutscenes in Monster Hunter Wilds will enhance the game's accessibility and ensure a smoother, more enjoyable gameplay experience for all players.

Monster Hunter Wilds is one of the most eagerly anticipated games of 2025, owing much of its hype to the success of MH World. Despite the series' existence since the early 2000s, it remained niche until the release of World in 2018. The game's transition to the mainstream can be attributed to various factors, including the introduction of open zones and an improved learning curve during the initial hours of play. While the quality of life for MH fans has significantly improved, World overlooked crucial features that Monster Hunter Wilds should incorporate.

Monster Hunter Worlds is renowned for its stunning environments, formidable creatures, and refined gameplay honed over decades. However, the game's storyline is lackluster and often tedious to endure. Lengthy, unskippable cutscenes frequently disrupt the flow of the game, feeling more like obstacles hindering progression rather than enriching the gaming experience. While the franchise's narrative has historically been forgettable, it remains a captivating adventure.

Essential Feature: Skippable Cutscenes for Monster Hunter Wilds

The series' shallow stories have never impeded its appeal, as the focus lies on hunting colossal beasts with consistent behaviors akin to real animals. The narrative in Monster Hunter World and other major titles often feels disconnected from the hunts, exerting minimal influence on the overall experience. While an engaging story would undoubtedly enhance Monster Hunter Wilds, the pivotal requirement is the incorporation of skippable cutscenes. The pacing of Monster Hunter World was frequently hindered by unskippable, protracted cutscenes, underscoring the advantage MH Rise holds over World through customizable pacing.

Learning from MH Rise

Monster Hunter Rise, initially a Switch-exclusive sequel to MH World, has since been adapted to other platforms, albeit with inferior environments and certain aspects. While Rise's limitations are underscored by the resurgence of Monster Hunter World, its accelerated pacing stands out as a commendable achievement. Players can swiftly navigate through dialogues, and most brief cutscenes are skippable. Furthermore, the game features fewer extraneous quests designed to introduce different areas, allowing players to promptly engage in hunting with a reduced emphasis on storytelling. Although this approach may render certain aspects less beginner-friendly, Rise's streamlined pacing and concise storyline represent notable improvements.

Enhancing Pacing in Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter World's focus on storytelling and unskippable cutscenes, while irksome, aimed to onboard new players, contributing to its mainstream appeal as a more accessible and contemporary game. Both new and returning players gravitate towards Monster Hunter World in 2024 due to its user-friendly nature. By incorporating skippable cutscenes and optional tutorial missions, Monster Hunter Wilds can effectively cater to new hunters without subjecting uninterested players to unenjoyable content.

Recent iterations of Monster Hunter have prioritized quality of life and accessibility, fostering the series' exponential popularity. To surpass MH World, Monster Hunter Wilds should introduce skippable cutscenes and other quality-of-life enhancements to optimize pacing, leveraging the current anticipation while propelling the series into new realms of gaming.