Impressive Valheim Cathedral Stuns Gamers in Meadows Biome

A Valheim player showcases a stunning cathedral built in the Meadows biome using Black Marble, Iron, and Wood.
Impressive Valheim Cathedral Stuns Gamers in Meadows Biome


  • Valheim enthusiasts display remarkable creativity by constructing a cathedral in the Meadows biome with boundless options in creative mode.
  • Crafting a cathedral in Valheim's Meadows biome demands meticulous planning, innovative material usage, and unwavering attention to detail.
  • Iron Gate Studio consistently enhances Valheim, introducing new biomes and adversaries, with a sneak peek of the upcoming Ashlands biome portrayed as a fiery, undead-infested landscape.

A Valheim player has erected a breathtaking cathedral in the Meadows biome of the game's creative mode. Since the introduction of Hammer mode in Valheim last year, gamers have been constructing impressive structures leveraging the mode's lack of constraints.

Continuing its early access journey, Iron Gate Studio keeps enriching Valheim with fresh biomes, foes, and resources. The imminent major update is anticipated to flesh out the Ashlands biome, transforming it into a nightmarish volcanic realm teeming with undead creatures. Since its debut in 2022, players have been venturing into The Mistlands to collect Yggdrasil Wood, Black Marble, and Royal Jelly. With six fully developed biomes currently available and two more on the horizon, players still opt to build in the starting biome, Meadows. One player, however, has taken it to the next level by erecting a grand cathedral as their Meadows headquarters, requiring an extensive array of resources.

Reddit user Eicr-5 recently unveiled 13 images showcasing their Valheim cathedral creation, providing a comprehensive view from both inside and outside. The cathedral boasts two towering structures flanking the main entrance, adorned with intricately designed windows. The side windows feature diamond or circular patterns crafted from wood, while the central window mirrors the design above the entrance. Soaring 80 meters high at its peak, with a ceiling reaching 38 meters, the cathedral draws inspiration from the Reims Cathedral in France and predominantly incorporates Valheim Black Marble, Darkwood, Iron, and Wood.

Building the Cathedral

As per Eicr-5, the cathedral was constructed in Valheim Creative mode, with debug mode activated through console commands for a streamlined building experience. The Hammer mode allowed the player to bypass excessive material requirements while debug mode likely facilitated the assembly process. The choice of the Meadows biome was deliberate, requiring minimal terraforming and defense against raids. Careful placement of smaller components ensured the cathedral's walls and beams fit seamlessly. With an average of 60,000 components, the cathedral's sheer scale is evident. Despite lacking storage and with a ceiling too high for the game to recognize as shelter, the cathedral stands as a monumental creation in the game.

By sharing the cathedral's progression from inception to completion, Eicr-5 offers a glimpse into the meticulous construction process. Additionally, the Reddit user has provided a Dropbox link to the world for fans to explore in greater detail. As Iron Gate Studios continues to evolve Valheim, sharing such elaborate creations with fellow players may become more accessible in the future.