Immersing Yourself in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Discover ways to enhance your roleplaying experience and immersion in this medieval game.
Immersing Yourself in Kingdom Come: Deliverance


  • Embrace Henry's persona for decision-making and daily routines.
  • Strategically select outfits to influence interactions and perceptions.
  • Enhance immersion by walking, following routines, and customizing Henry's perks.

Since its debut, Kingdom Come: Deliverance has stood out for its immersive and historically accurate gameplay. While the game excels in providing tools for roleplay, players can elevate their experience by delving deeper into immersive elements.

To truly enhance roleplay and immersion in KCD, players should aim to embody Henry's character, making choices and navigating medieval life as he would.

1 Dress Accordingly to the Occasion

Dress for Success and Stealth

Outfits in Kingdom Come: Deliverance play a crucial role, impacting Henry's charisma, noise level, and visibility. Choosing attire wisely can sway others' opinions and reactions towards Henry. For instance, wearing elegant garments can help persuade NPCs, while donning inconspicuous attire is ideal for stealthy endeavors.

Taking immersion to the next level involves dressing appropriately for various activities. Shedding armor for a leisurely stroll in town or changing into nightclothes before bed adds depth to the roleplaying experience.

2 Slow Down Your Pace

Walk the Talk in Kingdom Come

Enhance immersion by opting to walk instead of constantly running through towns and villages. Emulating real-life behavior adds realism and allows players to notice intricate details within the game world. Walking or riding leisurely not only blends players with NPCs but also enriches the gaming experience.

3 Establish a Routine

Live a Day in Henry's Shoes

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance, NPCs follow realistic daily schedules. Immersing yourself further involves mimicking Henry's daily activities like rising with the sun, having a meal, and attending church. By aligning with Henry's routine, players can deepen their connection to the character and the game world.