Comparing Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's Kakariko Village to Previous Games

Discovering the Unique Take on Kakariko Village in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Comparing Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's Kakariko Village to Previous Games


  • Tears of the Kingdom features an active Sheikah settlement in Kakariko Village, a departure from earlier Zelda games.
  • Kakariko Village in Tears of the Kingdom has shifted in significance, serving as the starting point for a quest without being crucial to the main storyline.
  • Throughout the Legend of Zelda series, Kakariko Village has always been linked to darkness or shadows in some form, and Tears of the Kingdom continues this theme.

Throughout the Legend of Zelda series, there are many recurring iconic locations. Places like Death Mountain and the Lost Woods have been present since the original NES Zelda and have persisted through the latest entry, Tears of the Kingdom. Each game's interpretation has attracted various fans over the years, establishing unique identities for every Zelda title. Even in the expansive worlds of Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, these memorable places endure with their individual strengths rooted in their predecessors.

One of Tears of the Kingdom's interpretations of a traditional Zelda setting is its Sheikah-dominated Kakariko Village. First introduced in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Kakariko Village has long been a haven with hidden darkness, whether literal or metaphorical. As seen in Tears of the Kingdom, Kakariko Village is typically associated with the Sheikah tribe, an ancient clan of ninjas loyal to Hyrule’s royal family. Tears of the Kingdom's Kakariko is arguably more secluded than most, but it shares many similarities with past Kakariko Villages while also possessing unique qualities.

What Sets Tears of the Kingdom's Kakariko Village Apart

The Kakariko Village shared between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom has several distinctive qualities. Notably, there has never been a depiction of Kakariko Village as an active Sheikah settlement prior to Breath of the Wild. Even in Ocarina of TimeBotW and TotK's village adopting historical Japanese designs for its buildings, a departure from the medieval architecture common to not just Tears of the Kingdom's other towns, but every other Kakariko iteration.

Differences Between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom's Kakariko Village

Tears of the Kingdom's Kakariko Village differs from its counterpart in Breath of the Wild in a few ways. With the establishment of Lookout Landing, the “home base” where Tears of the Kingdom players should head first has shifted away from Breath of the Wild's Kakariko and Hateno Villages. Major quest giver Impa and Kakariko's nearby Fairy Fountain have both moved as a result, reducing most players' motivations to visit Kakariko.

Players are eventually given a reason near the end of the main quest, as Tears of the Kingdom's Kakariko uniquely hosts several ruins that are either low in the sky or have fallen outright. Players can use this as a jumping-off point to find the fifth Sage, although it's entirely possible they have already done so, and thus would never need to visit Kakariko. It's an unusual deviation from one of Zelda's most common recurring areas, but it helps Tears of the Kingdom's journey through Breath of the Wild's Hyrule chart a different path.

Tears of the Kingdom’s Kakariko Village Is Less Significant Than Most

A Kakariko Village with minimal plot relevance is quite unlike the series’ usual pattern, as it's often not only a mandatory visit, but a pivotal mechanical and narrative touchstone. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past establishes Kakariko as the main town, and its Dark World equivalent also houses one of the game’s dungeons, Thieves' Hideout. A Link Between Worlds functions in a similar way, as it is a sequel to ALttP, so this should be expected. Even after Ocarina of Time introduced Hyrule Castle Town, Kakariko is not only linked to many areas Link needs to visit, but eventually becomes Adult Link’s hub town once Ganondorf conquers the kingdom.

Twilight Princess's Kakariko Village lies on the way to Death Mountain, similar to its OoT counterpart, and shares its role as a frequent story stop. Visiting Kakariko isn't necessary in Breath of the Wild, but it's suggested to players after the tutorial, and initiates the true ending-relevant Memory side quest. One more mandatory instance of Kakariko exists in Four Swords Adventures, but it isn't like the rest. Four Swords Adventures is a linear, level-based game, so players will arrive at it eventually, but its biggest similarity to any other Kakariko is being set on fire like Ocarina's take. Otherwise, it embodies Kakariko Village's other common theme far more literally than its peers.

Kakariko Village Always Harbors Some Sort of Darkness

Kakariko Village may not always be tied to the stealthy Sheikah, but it is always associated with shadows of some kind. In Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild, that connection is as simple as being inhabited by the Sheikah themselves, albeit ones with downplayed ninja traits. Ocarina of Time makes this more obvious, with Kakariko not only being the series’ first ancestral Sheikah home, but also hiding OoT's entire Shadow Temple beneath its surface. A Link to the Past and A Link Between Worlds both have prominent dark mirrors to their Kakariko's in the Dark World and Lorule respectively, and the first Twilight-claimed town entered in Twilight Princess is Kakariko Village.

Four Swords Adventures’ Kakariko Makes Tears of the Kingdom's Look Traditional

However, all of that pales in comparison to the Four Swords Adventures’ take, which is situated entirely inside a cursed, perpetually-shaded forest called the Dark World. This Kakariko also has a Shadow Temple nearby, but is itself such a hostile place that Zelda's traditional Kakariko Village music was moved to an earlier village level. Players even need to herd thieves into a pen in a twisted reference to OoT’s Kakariko Cuccos. Tears of the Kingdom's Kakariko Village just has a quest connected to the Spirit Temple in the Depths, but not every version of Kakariko needs to hide a dark secret.