Managing Players in Helldivers 2

Discover effective ways to manage players in Helldivers 2, ensuring a positive gaming experience for all.
Managing Players in Helldivers 2


  • Communicate openly with players before resorting to kicking.
  • Remove players displaying abusive behavior to maintain a positive atmosphere.
  • Understand the challenges of kicking players without certain in-game items and support developers in finding solutions.

Helldivers 2 has become a standout game, offering an engaging co-op experience unlike many others. Unlike some titles, it has managed to cultivate a community with minimal toxicity. However, there may be instances where kicking a player becomes necessary, especially if they are disruptive.

Many players are unaware that they have the ability to remove others from their squad. As the host, this power rests in your hands. This guide will walk you through the process of managing players in Helldivers 2, as well as provide additional valuable insights.

Effective Strategies for Managing Players in Helldivers 2

Follow these simple steps to effectively manage your squad:

Best Practices When Handling Player Management

  • Prior to kicking a player, engage in a conversation to address any concerns you may have. Express your doubts about their performance, as communication can often resolve issues amicably.
  • If a player exhibits abusive behavior towards you or the team, do not hesitate to remove them. Helldivers 2 values cooperation and mutual support, making it essential to maintain a positive environment. Consider blocking players who continue to disrupt gameplay.

It is important to recognize that Arrowhead, the game's developers, are actively seeking solutions to challenges related to kicking players who lack certain in-game tools. Reasons for removal may range from inexperienced players to accidental team damage.

The issue has become significant enough for the CEO to acknowledge on social media, highlighting the frustration, particularly among newcomers. While a definitive solution is pending, Arrowhead is seeking input from the community to address this matter effectively. Although a voting mechanism for kicking players is being considered, its implementation may pose risks depending on the player group.

Armed with the knowledge of how to manage players in Helldivers 2, exercise this authority judiciously. Remember, not all players will excel immediately, so offer support and guidance. If you prefer solo play, consider setting your lobby to Private rather than removing players abruptly.