Why Hollow Knight: Silksong Deserves a Unique Boss Fight Like the Mantis Lords

Exploring the potential for a challenging and rewarding boss encounter in the highly anticipated sequel.
Why Hollow Knight: Silksong Deserves a Unique Boss Fight Like the Mantis Lords


  • Fans eagerly await news about Hollow Knight: Silksong and speculate on its features.
  • Implementing iconic elements like the Mantis Lords fight from the original game could enhance Silksong.
  • Victorious Silksong players could be rewarded with an intriguing post-fight experience, reminiscent of the first game.

Despite the lengthy five-year wait for Hollow Knight: Silksong, fans remain enthusiastic for any updates on the game. With a small development team, the extended timeline is understandable, especially given the high expectations set by the success of the original Hollow Knight.

If Silksong's release is delayed beyond the initial early 2023 window, it presents an opportunity for Team Cherry to further enrich the game's storyline. Incorporating elements from the first Hollow Knight, such as the iconic Mantis Lords fight, could add depth and familiarity to the sequel.

Drawing Inspiration from Past Success

The Significance of the Mantis Lords Fight in Hollow Knight

Revisiting the Mantis Lords in Silksong offers potential for exploration beyond a simple rematch. This particular boss encounter stands out as the first in Hollow Knight to feature multiple enemies simultaneously. The dance-like battle, requiring precise nail strikes and adept dodging, coupled with pattern recognition, makes it a standout and gratifying experience.

Enhanced by the evocative composition of Christopher Larkin's music, the Mantis Lords fight leaves a lasting impression on players.

Reasoning for a Similar Boss Encounter in Silksong

Given the desire for challenging boss battles in Silksong, incorporating elements reminiscent of the Mantis Lords seems fitting. In the original game, overcoming the Mantis Lords not only granted access to valuable rewards like the Mark of Pride charm but also earned players the respect of the tribe.

An intriguing concept that Silksong could adopt is the idea of altering the game environment post-boss fight. This transformative change, whether subtle or significant, could align with Hornet's narrative journey through the vast world of Pharloom, promising a unique experience distinct from The Knight's.

In Hollow Knight, defeating bosses occasionally led to environmental shifts, hinting at the potential for Silksong to offer a similar rewarding progression. This mechanic could enrich Hornet's narrative arc, making her battles integral to her story. While Team Cherry's plans remain undisclosed, the prospect of such gameplay dynamics is intriguing.