Enhancing Hogwarts Legacy's Charm: Evolution in the Sequel

Exploring the potential upgrades in Fantastic Beasts and Vivariums for Hogwarts Legacy 2.
Enhancing Hogwarts Legacy's Charm: Evolution in the Sequel


  • Hogwarts Legacy offers a unique Wizarding World experience, attending classes and saving magical creatures.
  • The sequel could enrich the game with more beast species, rewarding shiny beasts, and enhanced Vivarium building mechanics.
  • A potential feature for Hogwarts Legacy 2 is enabling players to share their personalized Vivariums online for others to visit.

Among the standout features of Hogwarts Legacy is its immersive journey into the magical realm of Harry Potter, allowing players to delve into the Wizarding World like never before. As a student at Hogwarts, users can partake in classes, foster relationships with fellow witches and wizards, and freely explore the enigmatic Hogwarts castle, uncovering its many secrets along the way. Beyond the castle's walls lies a vast open world brimming with collectibles and engaging side quests, with one particular activity shining brightly: rescuing fantastic beasts and crafting Vivariums for their habitation.

The fantastic beasts and Vivariums in Hogwarts Legacy stand out as one of the game's most gratifying side pursuits. Players can discover and save thirteen distinct creature species, housing them in four unique Vivariums. Within these habitats, players can construct a variety of edifices using the extensive library of Conjurations and customizable building tools at their disposal. With a potential sequel in the works, Hogwarts Legacy has the opportunity to elevate its beasts and Vivariums, an aspect deserving of further enhancement.

Revamping Beasts and Vivariums in Hogwarts Legacy 2

Diversifying Beast Species in Hogwarts Legacy 2

The Harry Potter universe harbors over a hundred magical beasts, making it somewhat disappointing that Hogwarts Legacy features only thirteen species. Introducing more creatures in Hogwarts Legacy 2 would incentivize players to explore the open world further. Instead of multiple capture sites for each species, the sequel could opt for a few distinct regions where players can encounter specific beasts.

Enhancing the Value of Shiny Beasts in Hogwarts Legacy 2

An overlooked mechanic in Hogwarts Legacy involves 'shiny' beasts, akin to the rare variants seen in the Pokemon series. While these shiny creatures offer visual distinctiveness, capturing them currently lacks substantial rewards. Hogwarts Legacy 2 could enrich this aspect by providing more valuable resources when rescuing shiny beasts. Additionally, the sequel could introduce achievements tied to capturing shiny beasts from every species.

Refining Vivarium Building Mechanics in Hogwarts Legacy 2

While Hogwarts Legacy allows for personalized Vivariums through custom structures, the execution of this feature leaves room for improvement. Current limitations include gaps between structures and the inability to place objects like benches on flooring. Hogwarts Legacy 2 should enhance the building mechanics by ensuring smoother transitions between structures and enabling object placement on various surfaces, akin to popular base-building games such as Palworld and Enshrouded.

Accessible Vivarium Sharing in Hogwarts Legacy 2

An enticing addition to Hogwarts Legacy 2 could be the ability for players to open their Vivariums for online visitation. Rather than resorting to social media posts for showcasing, players could share a unique code allowing others to explore their creations firsthand, reminiscent of Animal Crossing: New Horizons Dream Islands.

Enhancements in beast variety and Vivarium construction mechanics are key areas for potential growth in Hogwarts Legacy. While the confirmation of a sequel remains unofficial, indications strongly suggest its development, promising further enchantment in the Wizarding World.