Why Hogwarts Legacy 2 Should Revamp Its Loot System

Moving away from random loot in Hogwarts Legacy's sequel could enhance the overall gameplay experience.
Why Hogwarts Legacy 2 Should Revamp Its Loot System


  • Hogwarts Legacy 2 needs a significant loot system upgrade to avoid repetitive and lackluster rewards.
  • Randomized gear in the game undermines exploration and often leads to disappointing outcomes, especially in later stages.
  • The focus for Hogwarts Legacy 2 should be on providing unique and deliberate gear instead of an excess of repetitive items.

Avalanche Software's Hogwarts Legacy is a detailed and impressive game but not without flaws. One of the most criticized aspects of the game is its loot system, which needs a major overhaul for the sequel, moving away from the current randomization approach.

As an open-world RPG, Hogwarts Legacy heavily relies on loot for progression and customization. However, the random nature of loot in the game, where players find randomized items in various locations, often leads to a sense of repetitiveness and disappointment, particularly in the later stages of the game. This is an area that the sequel should address.

Reimagining Loot in Hogwarts Legacy 2

Impact of Random Loot in Hogwarts Legacy

While Hogwarts Legacy offers a variety of items, including unique furnishings and a customizable transmog system, the randomness of the loot detracts from the overall experience. Discovering items that are either duplicates or underwhelming diminishes the excitement of exploration and quest completion.

In a game like Hogwarts Legacy, where gear plays a pivotal role, the prevalence of lackluster loot can make looting and exploring feel tedious, especially in the endgame when most items have been acquired. Coupled with the transmog system, which allows players to change the appearance of items, the current loot system may render collecting gear insignificant.

Enhancing Gear Mechanics in Hogwarts Legacy 2

For Hogwarts Legacy 2, the focus should be on enhancing the quality and diversity of gear rather than inundating players with repetitive items. Eliminating duplicate items and introducing a curated gear system could make exploration and side activities more rewarding. Guaranteeing unique loot, even if not tailored to the player's level, could transform the gameplay experience, fostering a sense of genuine progression and accomplishment.

While there are speculations about Hogwarts Legacy potentially adopting a live-service model, a shift towards a more intentional gear system in the sequel could lead to a more fulfilling and less repetitive collection of items, enhancing the overall exploration and gameplay in the open world.