Easter Egg Found: Metal Gear Solid Nod in Death Stranding 2 Trailer

An observant player spots a potential Metal Gear Solid reference in Death Stranding 2: On The Beach's latest trailer.
Easter Egg Found: Metal Gear Solid Nod in Death Stranding 2 Trailer


  • Fans buzzing about a possible Metal Gear Solid hint in Death Stranding 2, igniting discussions on Kojima's beloved series.
  • The DHV Magellan in Death Stranding 2 sparks memories of MGS's Metal Gear REX for some players.
  • Reddit users theorize on potential connections between Kojima's games, fueling excitement and speculation surrounding Death Stranding 2.

An eagle-eyed player has picked up on a resemblance between the DHV Magellan in Death Stranding 2: On The Beach and Metal Gear REX from the renowned game series Metal Gear Solid. This possible nod to Metal Gear Solid tucked away in Death Stranding 2: On The Beach has stirred up conversations among fans, hinting at interconnections between Hideo Kojima's iconic works.

Death Stranding 2 had already captured the imagination of gamers globally with its teasers and the promise of continuing Sam Porter Bridges' adventures in a post-apocalyptic setting. In this installment, he sets out on a mission to reunite the fractured world alongside a new group called Drawbridge. Since its unveiling at The Game Awards 2022, the hype surrounding Death Stranding 2 has been steadily mounting, driven by Kojima Productions' enigmatic trailers and teasers of what lies in store for players.

A Reddit user named Monarco_Olivola pointed out a potential Metal Gear Solid reference within Death Stranding 2. The user drew parallels between the DHV Magellan and the head of Metal Gear REX, a distinctive weapon from the Metal Gear Solid series, sparking speculation among fans. Following the debut of its 9-minute trailer during the January 2024 PlayStation State of Play event, Death Stranding 2 has left players pondering numerous questions that may only be resolved upon the game's launch.

Clues to Metal Gear Solid in Death Stranding 2

The DHV Magellan in Death Stranding 2 is a cutting-edge vessel essential for navigating the rugged expanses of the game world, aiding players in delivering vital cargo while maneuvering treacherous terrain and eluding hostile forces. It plays a crucial role in fostering connections between isolated settlements and reconstructing society following the catastrophic events within the game. Conversely, Metal Gear REX from Metal Gear Solid is a fictional nuclear-armed bipedal tank, designed as a formidable weapon capable of firing nuclear missiles, serving as a primary adversary and pivotal element in the game's narrative.

Reactions on the Reddit thread varied. Some users acknowledged the striking resemblance, pointing out that while the DHV Magellan seems inspired by Metal Gear Solid, it lacks key features of a Metal Gear, like legs or nuclear capabilities. Others jokingly speculated that these missing elements might be unveiled in the game later on. The idea of Kojima reusing concepts also emerged, suggesting that the esteemed game director enjoys weaving familiar themes and symbols into his creations.

A more intriguing proposal from certain players involved the concept of multiple Kojima games coexisting in a shared universe; however, no official confirmation of this notion has ever been provided. As Death Stranding 2 continues to stir up anticipation and conjecture with its fresh trailer, fans eagerly await further insights into the game.