Discover the Top Characters in Hi-Fi Rush

Unveiling the vibrant, fun, and colorful stars of Hi-Fi Rush's character lineup.
Discover the Top Characters in Hi-Fi Rush


  • CNMN shines with his charm and silliness, instantly making friends with his bubbly personality.
  • Rekka stands out as a memorable antagonist with her massive ego and brutal boss fight.
  • Chai charms players with his optimistic demeanor, passion for music, and witty one-liners.

Within the world of Hi-Fi Rush, alongside the spirited Chai, players encounter a plethora of captivating and endearing characters. These individuals leave a lasting impression due to their well-crafted personalities and visually striking designs, enhancing the game's already stunning aesthetic.

Not limited to heroes, Hi-Fi Rush introduces formidable villains who have etched themselves in players' memories for various reasons. With the game's availability on the PlayStation 5 broadening its audience, it's an ideal moment to delve into the standout characters and what makes them beloved components of this engaging rhythm-based hack-n-slash adventure.


A Ray of Sunshine with Irresistible Charm

CNMN may not excel in combat prowess like the others, but his knack for concocting extravagant and whimsical schemes is unparalleled. Serving as Macaron's loyal mechanical aide, CNMN's affable and lively nature endears him to all, forging an instant bond with Chai upon their first meeting.

What truly endears CNMN to fans is his sheer exuberance. Whether he's adorning a comical expression or engaging in light-hearted banter, he injects a sense of levity into the narrative, ensuring the story never veers too somber.

6 Rekka

A Titan of Ego and Formidable Foe

As the head of production at Vandelay Technologies, Rekka exudes power and self-assurance, frequently boasting about her strength and capabilities. Her egotism is on full display, from referring to herself in the third person to sporting a bold 'BOSS' buckle, leaving no doubt about her commanding presence.

Enhanced with robotic enhancements, Rekka's physical might is showcased in a brutal showdown with Chai, where her superior strength is on vivid display as she effortlessly overpowers him. Her egocentric persona and dynamic design cement her status as a standout adversary within the game.

5 Mimosa

The Stylish Maven Who Commands Attention

Within Vandelay Technologies, Mimosa reigns supreme as the glamorous head of advertising, earning the moniker 'Queen of Spin' through her ostentatious style and flamboyant fashion sense. Her attire not only dazzles visually but also conceals formidable abilities, transforming to aid her in combat scenarios.

From soaring with wings to unleashing projectiles, Mimosa's entitlement and flair for the dramatic make her a delightful character to loathe in all the right ways, contributing to the game's rich tapestry of personalities.