Exploring Henry's Return in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Henry, the tenacious hero seeking vengeance in the original Kingdom Come Deliverance, reemerges in the sequel, now on a quest towards knighthood.
Exploring Henry's Return in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2


  • Henry's evolution from a vengeful apprentice to a potential knight unfolds in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
  • Players have the freedom to shape Henry's destiny, whether as a hero, criminal, or something in between.
  • The sequel promises enhanced medieval combat mechanics, introducing a range of new weapons and challenges for Henry.

In the medieval realm of Kingdom Come Deliverance, protagonist Henry began his journey as a young apprentice torn from his ordinary life, driven solely by a thirst for retribution against his parents' murderers. Now, in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, Henry has matured and is now on the path to becoming a true knight. The sequel promises a grander scale for Henry's adventures, immersing him in the political intrigues of the bustling city of Kuttenberg.

The team at Warhorse Studios and actor Tom McKay, who brings Henry to life, recently delved into the character's growth since the original Kingdom Come Deliverance. They highlighted Henry's versatility as a character that players can shape, emphasizing his friendship with Sir Hans and his ongoing struggle to move beyond his tragic past.

Henry's Evolution from Nobody to Hero

Luke Dale, who portrays Henry's mentor Sir Hans, serenaded the transformation of Henry from a novice to a formidable figure. McKay echoed the sentiment, underlining Henry's remarkable progression from a young apprentice to a significant player in the game. Dale, in a playful nod to his character, assured that Henry remains a relatable character despite his growth.

Prokob Jirsa, the lead designer, emphasized Henry's malleability depending on players' choices in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Jirsa noted Henry's youth as a canvas for various character paths, be it a noble knight or a notorious rogue, leaving his destiny in the hands of the player.

Embracing Henry as a Warrior in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

The game's preview emphasizes Henry's diverse identities, with a significant focus on his role as a 'Warrior,' aligning with the sequel's narrative of Henry's journey to knighthood. Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 promises an enriched combat experience, featuring a wider array of medieval weaponry, including crossbows and early firearms.

Players can engage in intense combat scenarios, from honorable duels to brutal brawls, hinting at Henry's growth as a formidable fighter in the face of new adversaries in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, set to release in 2024.