Helldivers 2 Reviews: Analyzing the Explosive Crossbow

Exploring the effectiveness and limitations of the CB-9 Explosive Crossbow in Helldivers 2.
Helldivers 2 Reviews: Analyzing the Explosive Crossbow


  • The CB-9 Explosive Crossbow adds a unique twist to futuristic warfare in Helldivers 2.
  • Despite its limitations, the crossbow proves to be a valuable asset in taking down enemy forces.
  • Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the Exploding Crossbow is crucial for maximizing its utility in combat.

Delving into the realm of futuristic weaponry in Helldivers 2, the CB-9 Explosive Crossbow stands out as a distinct addition to the SEAF arsenal. While its medieval origins may seem out of place, its effectiveness in eliminating foes cannot be overlooked.

Although facing tough competition among Helldivers 2's primary weapons, the Exploding Crossbow has its niche uses that make it a compelling choice for certain players willing to invest in its firepower.

Unpacking the Stats of the CB-9 Explosive Crossbow

  • Damage: 420
  • Fire Rate: 50
  • Capacity: 5
  • Recoil: 35

With the ability to function almost like an Impact Grenade launcher, the Exploding Crossbow's bolts detonate on impact, swiftly dispatching weaker foes within a 9-meter range. While it lacks armor penetration, it can still deal significant damage to medium-armored enemies, though precision in targeting is paramount.

The crossbow's projectiles have a limited range, dropping off after 30 meters. Adjusting aim is necessary for distant targets, especially considering the slow travel speed of the bolts, posing a challenge against moving adversaries.

Assessing the Combat Efficiency of the Exploding Crossbow

Capable of decimating enemy groups across factions, the crossbow's prowess shines against Automatons, wiping out entire squads with ease. Particularly effective in bot missions, it can eliminate Automaton Scout Striders head-on. However, caution is advised due to its explosive radius, which can inadvertently harm allies.

While lacking the utility of grenades for destroying spawners or containers, the crossbow's autonomy from specific support weapons grants flexibility in loadout customization. Adapting to its limitations is key to harnessing the full potential of this potent weapon.