Analyzing the Latest Support Weapons in Helldivers 2

Understanding the Role of the Quasar Cannon and Heavy Machine Gun in Your Gameplay Strategy
Analyzing the Latest Support Weapons in Helldivers 2


  • The Heavy Machine Gun excels at clearing light and medium enemy hordes with its armor-piercing abilities.
  • The Quasar Cannon offers versatility by efficiently eliminating heavily armored targets in Helldivers 2.
  • Consider the unique properties of these new support weapons when customizing your arsenal in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 has been steadily expanding its array of weapons through regular updates, with the recent addition of two new support weapon stratagems: the Heavy Machine Gun and the Quasar Cannon.

It's crucial to understand how these two support weapons cater to different combat scenarios. While the Quasar Cannon specializes in dealing with single, heavily armored foes, the Heavy Machine Gun is designed for swiftly eliminating masses of lightly armored enemies. These additions in Helldivers 2 present players with fresh tactical choices to enhance their gameplay.

The Heavy Machine Gun: A Superior Ad-Clear Weapon

The new Heavy Machine Gun in Helldivers 2 falls under the category of top-tier ad-clear weapons, excelling at mowing down light and medium enemy swarms. This type of support weapon, including similar options like the Arc Thrower and Flamethrower, struggles against heavily armored adversaries in Helldivers 2.

  • Arc Thrower
  • Flamethrower
  • Laser Cannon
  • Machine Gun
  • Stalwart

What sets the Heavy Machine Gun apart is its armor-piercing capability, making it effective against armored enemies that other ad-clear weapons may struggle with. Although it has a longer reload time and slightly shorter range, its higher damage output justifies these trade-offs, making it a versatile choice for various missions.

The Quasar Cannon: A Versatile Jack of All Trades

The Quasar Cannon in Helldivers 2 belongs to the artillery category, featuring a slow-firing, high-damage design ideal for eliminating tough targets. Unlike traditional artillery weapons, the Quasar Cannon stands out as both an energy and explosive weapon, offering distinctive advantages.

  • Anti-Material Rifle
  • Autocannon
  • Expendable Anti-Tank
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Railgun
  • Recoilless Rifle
  • Spear

Its unique ammo properties, such as self-reloading and no overheating, make the Quasar Cannon an efficient choice, especially in prolonged engagements where ammo conservation is crucial. This weapon's ability to pierce heavy armor makes it a formidable option against armored targets and various structures.

While the Quasar Cannon boasts exceptional damage output, ammo efficiency, and versatility, players must be cautious of its slow charge time and projectile speed limitations. Despite these drawbacks, its effectiveness against formidable foes like Bile Titans and Sentry Towers makes it a valuable asset across mission types in Helldivers 2.