Player's Vision for Enhanced Exosuit Mechs in Helldivers 2

Exploring a player's innovative concept to elevate the Exosuit Mech experience in Helldivers 2.
Player's Vision for Enhanced Exosuit Mechs in Helldivers 2


  • A player proposes a novel approach to upgrade Exosuit Mechs in Helldivers 2.
  • The concept introduces modular Exosuit Mechs with a choice of two weapons from a selection of four.
  • This imaginative idea aims to address existing shortcomings and enhance gameplay dynamics.

An imaginative player of Helldivers 2 has devised an exciting concept to significantly enhance the gameplay involving Exosuit Mechs. These mechanical giants in Helldivers 2 have not achieved their full potential, but with this fresh approach, they could become a dominant force in the ongoing Galactic conflict against the Terminids and Automatons.

The introduction of Exosuit Mechs to Helldivers 2 last month was aimed at offering players a strategic advantage on the battlefield. However, upon their launch, some Helldivers 2 enthusiasts found the Mechs lacking in power and too vulnerable to enemy attacks. Despite these initial setbacks, the concept holds great promise, aligning well with Helldivers 2's frenetic gameplay. With some adjustments, the Exosuit Mechs could evolve into a formidable asset within the game's arsenal. A player from the community believes they have a game-changing idea to achieve this.

Redditor Emord_Nillap has shared a remarkable proposal for Exosuit Mechs in Helldivers 2, suggesting a modular approach to their weaponry. This design would enable players to equip their Exosuit Mechs with two out of four available weapons, including a Gatling machine gun, a rocket pod, a dual autocannon, and a flamethrower. By offering this customization, players can tailor their Mechs for maximum effectiveness, introducing a new level of strategic depth. While this concept may not resolve all current issues with the Mechs, it represents a significant step in the right direction.

Innovative Concept: Helldivers 2 Modular Exosuit Mechs

Since its launch a few months ago, Arrowhead Game Studios, the developer of Helldivers 2, has prioritized engaging with players for feedback and ideas. Through an active Discord server, players can directly communicate their suggestions to the studio. While not every idea is implemented - the CEO recently declined the addition of transmog despite fan requests - the studio generally values community input, contributing to the game's strong player base.

Despite being released some time ago, Helldivers 2 has maintained player interest by consistently updating the game with new content. Although these updates may not always be substantial, they provide returning players with fresh experiences. The latest update focused on enhancing stability, hinting at potential upcoming content additions.