Warning: The Extraction Shuttle in Helldivers 2 is a Hazardous Zone

Discover the hidden dangers of the Pelican in Helldivers 2, where safety is not guaranteed.
Warning: The Extraction Shuttle in Helldivers 2 is a Hazardous Zone


  • Taking advantage of players on the extraction shuttle in Helldivers 2 is a disturbing possibility.
  • Maliciously killing players after they board the shuttle raises concerns about toxic behavior.
  • Arrowhead must address this issue to foster a more positive gaming environment in Helldivers 2.

In the world of Helldivers 2, where friendly fire is a common occurrence, a darker side lurks – the despicable act of kicking and killing players post-boarding. While being kicked mid-mission can be a sting, being slain after boarding the extraction shuttle raises questions about fair play in this intense game.

Enhancing Safety Measures for the Extraction Shuttle in Helldivers 2

The extraction shuttle, meant for safe passage, becomes a zone of treachery as players find themselves defenseless against ruthless attacks. In a game void of PvP modes, intentional killing post-boarding is a breach of trust and sportsmanship.

Some players struggle to differentiate between accidental and deliberate actions, leading to retaliatory killings or unjust expulsions. The ability to target defenseless comrades waiting for extraction is not just a game flaw but a display of unsportsmanlike conduct.

Drawing the Line Between Kicking and Killing in Helldivers 2

While certain behaviors warrant removal, many find themselves unjustly kicked or slain for merely playing the game. Disputes over gameplay strategies or player conduct often escalate to extreme measures, tarnishing the overall experience.

It is disheartening when a well-intentioned player offering aid is met with hostility from hosts or fellow players. Avoiding such conflicts may be challenging, but protecting shuttle-bound comrades from harm should be a top priority.

The unnecessary loss of experience and resources due to in-game killings only serves to deepen animosity among players. Arrowhead's intervention is crucial to prevent further escalation of toxic behavior and ensure a harmonious gaming environment.

While friendly competition among friends can add excitement, the same interactions with strangers may lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary hostilities. Maintaining respect and fair play, especially during critical mission moments, is essential for a positive gaming experience.