Unveiling the Top Light Armors in Helldivers 2

Discover the best light armors for enhanced mobility and strategic advantages in Helldivers 2.
Unveiling the Top Light Armors in Helldivers 2


  • Light armors in Helldivers 2 offer increased mobility for swift players who prioritize speed and evasion.
  • Specialized armor sets like the Prototype X provide unique resistances to specific damage types, granting tactical benefits.
  • Armor options such as the Legionnaire and Infiltrator cater to specific playstyles, offering benefits like increased limb health and reduced enemy detection range.

Helldivers 2 features a range of unlockable armor sets available for various in-game currencies. While heavy armor provides superior protection at the expense of speed, light armor empowers players with increased mobility albeit with reduced damage resistance.

Light armor suits agile players who favor frequent sprinting and stealthy evasion over direct combat. Offering diverse perks, light armors facilitate different playstyles, promoting movement as a key survival strategy, especially in the game's most intense missions.

7 EX-00 Prototype X

Advanced Armor with Arc Protection

  • Electrical Conduit: Offers 95% arc damage resistance
  • Cost: 294 Medals
  • Armor Rating: 50
  • Speed: 550
  • Stamina Regeneration: 125

The Prototype X armor, part of the Cutting Edge Warbond, grants near-complete protection against arc damage, crucial for surviving encounters with Tesla Towers and Arc Throwers. Although currently limited in utility due to the absence of arc damage from enemies, this armor excels in mitigating friendly fire risks.

6 SC-37 Legionnaire

Enhanced Limb Health and Extended Throwing Range

  • Servo-Assisted: Boosts limb health by 50% and grenade range by 30%
  • Cost: 150 Super Credits
  • Armor Rating: 50
  • Speed: 550
  • Stamina Regeneration: 125

The Legionnaire armor enhances survivability with increased limb health and extended throwing capabilities, ideal for maintaining speed and efficiency in combat. Its distinctive appearance resembling a pilot's flight suit appeals to those seeking a unique aesthetic.

5 B-08 Light Gunner

Balanced Defense Comparable to Medium Armor

  • Extra Padding: Provides armor rating equivalent to medium armor
  • Cost: 150 Super Credits
  • Armor Rating: 100
  • Speed: 550
  • Stamina Regeneration: 125

The B-08 Light Gunner offers robust defense akin to medium armor while retaining the agility and stamina benefits of light armor. Ideal for players seeking a versatile playstyle without compromising on protection, this armor strikes a balance between offense and defense.