Mastering Healing in No Rest For The Wicked

Struggling to keep your character healthy in No Rest for the Wicked? This comprehensive guide reveals all the secrets to effective healing strategies in the game.
Mastering Healing in No Rest For The Wicked


  • Learn various healing methods in the game
  • Discover how to gather essential resources for healing
  • Maximize your gold earnings for better gameplay

No Rest for the Wicked immerses players in an RPG adventure with Cerim, a group of Holy Warriors wielding mystical powers. Tasked with combating a devastating plague that has transformed Isola Sacra's inhabitants into mindless agents of chaos.

Every action RPG enthusiast encounters formidable foes in No Rest for the Wicked, taking damage that necessitates healing. Initially, healing revolves around crafting recipes, a vital aspect elaborated in this guide.

Mastering Healing Techniques

Healing in No Rest For The Wicked demands consumables like food, potions, and elixirs for player sustenance. These essential items are acquired either through combat victories or resourceful crafting. While looting suffices during battles, resource gathering outside combat requires strategic exploration.

Acquiring Vital Resources

Here's how to secure resources in No Rest for the Wicked:

  • Unlock the Blacksmith: Discover and unseal the gate leading to the keep and reach Sacrament to locate the blacksmith. This key character offers gear repairs and other essential services.
  • Rescue the Innkeeper: Spot the innkeeper on the bridge above Serum Whisper on the map's western side. After rescue, the innkeeper sets up shop in Sacrament, providing unlimited ingredients for food crafting.

Enhancing Wealth in the Game

Boost your finances in No Rest for the Wicked with these strategies:

  • Sell Unused Resources: Convert unused inventory items, especially common ones, into gold. Early-game common items fetch decent returns, enabling you to purchase crucial in-game items.
  • Accept Bounties: Engage with NPCs offering bounties to earn rewards, including monetary gains. Consistent completion of daily and weekly bounties enhances your gold accumulation.
  • Utilize Runes and Repair Powder: Visit Sacrament's enchantment vendor for runes to enhance weapon skills, including healing and durability. Crafting repair powder through these runes proves cost-effective, preserving your gold reserves.