Healing Squad Members in Infection Free Zone

Discover effective ways to keep your squad members healthy in the challenging world of Infection Free Zone.
Healing Squad Members in Infection Free Zone


  • Learn how to heal squad members using First Aid Kits
  • Obtain First Aid Kits by searching buildings or creating them in Medbays
  • Utilize cheat commands as a last resort to ensure squad members' survival

Ensuring the well-being of your squad members in the Infection Free Zone is paramount for their survival. The post-apocalyptic setting poses various risks that can lead to injuries, making it essential to grasp the healing process to prevent any losses. This guide details the methods to effectively heal squad members with First Aid Kits in Infection Free Zone.

Mastering First Aid Kits in Infection Free Zone

Keep track of your squad's health status by monitoring the squad window. The gradual emergence of red over their portraits signifies diminishing health, offering a visual indicator of their well-being. Hovering over their image reveals precise health details, including current and lost health due to injuries. Healing squad members is as simple as reloading weapons.

Follow these steps to heal squad members in Infection Free Zone:

  • Access a Medbay to facilitate squad members' healing without First Aid Kits.
  • Convert a building into a Research Center and research Medical Care using two scientific research books, taking 40 in-game hours.
  • Enhance healing rates, produce additional First Aid Kits, and maintain a stable supply.

Acquiring First Aid Kits in Infection Free Zone

Secure First Aid Kits by exploring buildings marked with question marks. Alternatively, craft First Aid Kits in Medbays, as explained below. If your squad stored First Aid Kits in a building or vehicle, retrieve them by utilizing the Exchange function in the squad window. This ensures availability for healing actions.

In critical situations with depleted First Aid Kits and endangered squad members, resort to cheat commands. Add sufficient First Aid Kits through cheats to restore squad members' health swiftly and safeguard their return to the settlement. While manipulating the console, consider adding weapons for tower assignments.