Insider Uncovers Hidden Secret About Halo 3's Rocks

Discover the surprising truth behind the rocks in a popular Halo 3 campaign level, showcasing the developers' creativity.
Insider Uncovers Hidden Secret About Halo 3's Rocks


  • Each rock in Halo 3's The Covenant level cleverly reused for variety.
  • Halo Infinite's Refueled playlist offers revamped versions of beloved maps.
  • Speculation rises on potential Halo 3 remaster with updated features.

An insider has unveiled a fascinating revelation about the rocks in one of Halo 3's iconic campaign levels - they are all actually the same rock creatively repurposed in different ways. The timeless appeal of Halo 3 has been revitalized with Halo Infinite's multiplayer reintroducing revamped versions of its most cherished maps.

In a recent update, Halo Infinite introduced the Halo 3 Refueled playlist, now a permanent fixture on the game's matchmaking platform. This playlist showcases updated editions of fan-favorite maps such as Narrows, Construct, Guardian, The Pit, and more. While Halo 3's multiplayer was immensely popular, its campaign also garnered significant praise, narrating the concluding chapter of Master Chief and Cortana's saga. Among its standout levels like The Ark and Halo, one particular level held a hidden gem.

Twitter user and Halo aficionado, RejectedShotgun, disclosed that every single rock in Halo 3's The Covenant level is identical, albeit altered in rotation, size, and position to give the appearance of diversity. The ingenious approach taken by the developers of Halo 3 in crafting The Covenant has earned them well-deserved acclaim, as the reused rocks seamlessly blend in when scrutinized. Numerous Halo enthusiasts, likely veterans of Halo 3's campaign, expressed astonishment at this revelation following the viral tweet by RejectedShotgun, which has amassed over seven million views. Some fans noted that this method is a common practice to manage game file sizes efficiently, a tactic still utilized in contemporary titles. However, the resourceful use of the same rock throughout The Covenant demonstrates a remarkable level of creativity.

For those needing a reminder, The Covenant is Halo 3's penultimate mission, encompassing several of the franchise's most iconic sequences. The level entails Chief's involvement in a beach assault, vehicular combat, scarab elimination, and a surprising alliance with The Flood. This memorable mission undoubtedly stands out as one of Halo 3's finest.

Enthusiasts Call for a Halo 3 Remake

The enduring popularity of the game has sparked discussions about a potential Halo 3 remake in the future. As the only title from the original trilogy yet to receive a remaster, Halo 3's enduring quality in certain aspects makes it a prime candidate for a modern update by 343 Industries. Similar to Halo 2 Anniversary, a Halo 3 remaster would ideally incorporate contemporary cutscenes from Blur Studios and a graphical enhancement, while retaining the exceptional gameplay of Halo 3. However, any prospect of this is mere speculation, as there has been no official confirmation from 343 Industries regarding such a project.