Improving Hades 2's Social Systems with Lessons from Persona 5

Exploring the potential for Hades 2 to enhance its social mechanics and side activities by drawing inspiration from Persona 5.
Improving Hades 2's Social Systems with Lessons from Persona 5


  • Hades 2 is expected to continue prioritizing narrative content and well-developed NPCs, similar to its predecessor.
  • The sequel has the opportunity to expand on the social systems and side characters introduced in the original game.
  • Drawing from Persona 5's Hangout System, Hades 2 could elevate its player-NPC interactions and provide greater incentives for bonding with characters, offering in-game rewards for relationship progression.

It's probable that Hades 2 will maintain a focus on narrative content and rich, endearing NPCs, much like its predecessor. As Hades 2 enters its early access period, it will be intriguing to observe how the sequel evolves the original's incorporation of side characters and low-stakes narrative content. Ideally, it will enrich the franchise's social systems, and Atlus' Persona 5 could provide a solid foundation for enhancement.

The first Hades follows a fairly simple yet gratifying structure: between runs, players can engage with various characters in the Halls of Hades, presenting them with gifts to advance their side plots and deepen their relationship with player-character Zagreus. This feature also applies to the Greek gods encountered during runs, albeit to a lesser extent. This well-crafted narrative content is certainly a standout aspect of the game, but it should be expanded upon in Hades 2.

Strengthening Hades 2's Social Mechanics with Insights from Persona 5

Hades 2 faces the challenge of living up to the first game's nearly perfect balance between fast-paced gameplay, satisfying linear progression, and story. To further refine the elements that contributed to the original's 2020 success, the second game must, among other things, enhance the already excellent narrative side content offered by NPCs. It can accomplish this by not only broadening and deepening the player-NPC interactions, but also by providing greater incentives for players interested in engaging with these characters.

Hades 2 Could Embrace Persona 5's Hangout System

While possessing the characteristics of a typical turn-based RPG or dungeon-crawler, Persona 5's Confidant system transforms the game into somewhat of an RPG-social-sim hybrid, regularly urging players to interact with its numerous NPCs. There are a few scripted, unavoidable interactions that can elevate the player's Confidant rank with an NPC, but the system allows considerable freedom otherwise, with one caveat: there is only so much time in each in-game day. This necessitates careful consideration when choosing which NPCs to bond with, as players cannot simply exhaust dialog options for each character.

A similar system, one that encourages prioritization and forethought, could be well-suited for Hades 2's social system. This would represent a significant departure from the first Hades, but it could potentially enable more engaging, weightier character interactions. For example, players could schedule various meetings, dates, or other activities with NPCs, similar to Persona 5, but they would be constrained by an in-game clock or other resources. Even if the game does not impose limitations in this regard, it should incorporate Persona-style activities with NPCs, rather than confining conversations to a single location.

Hades 2 Should Incentivize Players for Building NPC Bonds

Advancing Confidant ranks in Persona 5 can lead to valuable benefits, including gameplay buffs and special items. Adapting this concept to the next Hades game, players could unlock special combat bonuses, abilities, or even new weapons upon reaching a certain 'level' of relationship with an NPC. This would not only enrich Hades 2's progression system, but it could also assist players in crafting specific playstyles. For instance, forming a bond with a tank-like warrior character could unlock health or defense boosts, while bonding with a sorcerer could result in additional magic abilities.

Granting significance and consequences to social interactions could elevate Hades 2 in terms of replay value, immersion, and enjoyment. Offering meaningful, mechanical rewards for nurturing NPC relationships can foster greater synergy between narrative content and core gameplay. While the first Hades provides a solid starting point in this area, looking to a robust social-sim game like Persona 5 could yield significant benefits for Hades 2.