Discover the Contrasts between Melinoe, the Mage, and Zagreus, the Warrior, in Hades 2

Explore the distinct playstyles of Melinoe and Zagreus in the Technical Playtest of Hades 2.
Discover the Contrasts between Melinoe, the Mage, and Zagreus, the Warrior, in Hades 2


  • Melinoe in Hades 2 showcases unique casting abilities and playstyle setting her apart as a mage from Zagreus the warrior.
  • Charged Omega attacks and spells of Melinoe introduce a mana-based system emphasizing her identity as a spellcaster.
  • New gameplay mechanics like sprinting, grasp/arcana system, and attire choices bring depth and strategy to Hades 2.

Delving into the Technical Playtest of Hades 2, we had an exclusive opportunity to experience the much-anticipated sequel, courtesy of Supergiant Games. While Hades 2 is still in its early stages and subject to changes, our time with the playtest revealed significant divergences between Zagreus and Melinoe. Let's unravel the intricacies of Melinoe in comparison to the original game.

7 Melinoe, the 'Mage' in Contrast to Zagreus' 'Warrior' Role

Enhanced Focus on Casting Spells

Melinoe's design deviates significantly from Zagreus as she is depicted as a 'witch' trained by Hecate, emphasizing her mage-like attributes. Her playstyle predominantly revolves around casting spells to engage enemies from a distance.

In Hades 2, Melinoe's attacks, including Omega Attack, Omega Cast, and Omega Special, require charging and mana consumption, underscoring her role as a spellcaster.

6 Charged Omega Attacks and Spells

Every Attack Requires Charging

Unlike the first Hades game where Zagreus had a mix of chargeable and non-chargeable attacks, Melinoe in Hades 2 predominantly relies on charged Omega variants for most of her attacks, utilizing mana for enhanced spellcasting.

5 Swift Sprint Mechanic

Introduction of a Sprinting Feature

A novel addition to Hades 2 is the Sprint mechanic, requiring players to adjust to a new way of movement. The mechanic offers strategic advantages in combat, allowing players to evade attacks and cover ground swiftly.

Mastering the Sprint mechanic introduces a fresh dynamic to gameplay, enhancing maneuverability and providing tactical advantages.